Sunday, September 01, 2024

the gang takeover by Biden/Harris' new illegal aliens of apartment buildings in aurora, in Jared Polis' colorado, "is just a small taste of the chaos to be unleashed against Americans"

By R.C.
sunday, september 1, 2024 at 08:24:18 p.m. edt

"the migrant gang takeover of apartment buildings in aurora, colorado is just a small taste of the chaos to be unleashed against Americans"


Anonymous said...

Keep it West of the Mississippi and South of Kalamazoo,Michigan for a few more years and I'll be satisfied--unless total war breaks out.Then I'll cross my fingers our government chooses to back White folks--and not spics and spooks. That might depend on who wins the POTUS thingy this year,though.


Anonymous said...

A good one from Barnhardt today, regarding Colorado:

"Elections are no longer free. They are staged theater, designed to maintain the illusion of representative governance and to enrich the political class..."


Anonymous said...

That's the mantra on ZH. We definitely don't have much of a choice anymore in local elections. I'd like to think P.T. would be different(better)than harris. I'll fill in the circles,in November,one more time.