Monday, September 23, 2024

update: racist thug Precious Williams turns down plea deal that would have forced her to give up booze for a year (black supremacist rag misrepresented the incident, in order to help Williams); msn refuses to permit comments, but we permit them!

By Grand Rapids Anonymous
sunday, september 22, 2024 at 12:48:00 p.m. edt

"Williams turns down plea deal that would force her to give up booze for a year"

"(nbc6) state attorneys offered Williams a deal that would grant her one year of probation if she pleaded guilty. in that year, she would have to take anger management courses, a parenting course, and adhere to a no-drink order.

"Williams rejected the plea bargain [GRA: NO BOOZE? fo'get it] and opted to take her case to trial. a judge made her aware that if she’s convicted by a jury, she could face up to five years in prison."

GRA: The odds are 100-1 against Williams getting 5 years or 5 days.


N.S.: google does not want people reading this story. It was very difficult finding it.

"this was after Williams’ son claimed he heard the teen’s family call them the n-word."

He didn't claim that at the time. Her White-paid defense attorney only made up that racist blood libel after her arrest.

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