Monday, September 23, 2024

now, they’re trying to blind her: in hate crime attack, racist, nEGRO opponent deliberately gouged Caitlin Clark’s eye—in sunday’s playoff game vs. connecticut; she receives a black eye and plays horribly the rest of the game; her black “teammates” did nothing to protect or retaliate for her

By Grand Rapids Anonymous
monday, september 23, 2024 at 2:52:00 p.m. edt

GRA: Within the first 90 seconds of indiana’s playoff game yesterday, superstar Whitey, Caitlin Clark was stabbed in the eye by connecticut defender Dijonai Carrington’s fingernail, as Clark threw a pass into the paint. Carrington’s finger came down in a hawklike gouge that, in my opinion, was intentional for two reasons: 1) Clark is a great player, and 2) Clark is White.

The hit on Clark was so traumatic to her eye that it became a shiner quickly and obviously affected her shooting the rest of the game (4 for 17).

How often does anyone hear about black players committing physical assault to OTHER black players, in this way? Never—but Clark—it was done early in the game, in order to take her OUT of the contest, as a factor. Throw in her race and this was basically a hate crime, designed to eliminate Caitlin Clark as an offensive threat for this playoff game—and maybe game two (eye injuries can linger for a long time).


By Grand Rapids Anonymous
monday, september 23, 2024 at 3:42:00 p.m. edt

Note: This story has exploded all over the internet, with 99.9% of the public agreeing with the intentional assault scenario of Caitlin Clark by Dijonai Carrington. Very few bring up race (or are allowed to).



Anonymous said...

Mark Robinson is a buffoon.

Anonymous said...

And whoever voted for him in the primary.Never vote for a black.


Anonymous said...

Clark needs to wear goggles--maybe other protective devices before engaging in battle with the savages.

Anonymous said...

jerry pdx
You can see the poke in slow motion in this video. Clearly deliberate:

I've made this point before but I think it bears repeating:

Anybody remember the controversy about refs calling more fouls on black players? When they counted fouls they noticed refs did call fouls on black players more often than White ones, even black refs did it. Never once in the debates that swirled around this did I hear anybody make the point that maybe black players actually do foul more. As a lifelong basketball player, I can tell you right now they do. When you play against black guys there's always more hacking, shoving and high elbows directed at the head, my nose was fractured by one of those elbows from a black player. When I drove to the basket against white guys, they would often slap the wrist but when you drive against black guys, you didn't get a slap, you'd get a tug where they would hook your wrist and pull it back. They couldn't stand getting embarrassed by a White guy so would use dirty tactics to stop you. They have maimed White players in the NBA using those tactics but the media and the NBA won't recognize the racist bias. This is what is happening to Caitlyn Clark, they are jealous because of all the attention she is getting and are sending her (and any other White players who dare to think they are as good at basketball as they are) a message.

Followup on the foul controversy: I remember reading that after the refs were accused of favoring White players, they changed how fouls are called (basically ignoring black players blatant fouling of Whites) and have equalized the number of fouls called on White and black players. So now White players have to play with the disadvantage of black players being allowed to commit more fouls against them. That's how "equality" works nowadays.