Saturday, December 02, 2023

An arrest has been made in california serial murders, and it’s the usual suspect; meanwhile, fox news wreaks serial havoc on the english language and on basic arithmetic (White murder vics don’t count)! English translations provided!

Nicholas Simbolon: The San Dimas father of two was the first known victim of alleged serial killer Jerrid Joseph Powell, but since he was White, fox news subtracted him from the body count

By R.C. and Nicholas Stix

“officials identified two of those killed in this string of murders as Jose Bolanos and Mark Diggs. police are withholding the identity of the third [sic; he was the fourth victim, after Bolanos, Diggs, and Nicholas Simbolon] victim while next of kin is notified. all three [sic] victims were experiencing homelessness [!] at the time of the murders, according to police.”

N.S.: English version: three of the victims were homeless at the time of the murders, according to police.

The fox gauleiter added six unnecessary syllables.

“police said they believe that each victim was alone when the suspect [sic] approached them [sic] and that each was shot and killed in their [sic] sleep.”

N.S.: English version: police said they believe that each victim was alone when the perpetrator approached him and that each was shot and killed in his sleep.

“on Friday, officials deployed extra resources to aid in the protection of la’s unhoused [sic] community and the manhunt of the suspect [sic]. a winter shelter program was activated friday to provide additional safety for unhoused [sic] individuals.

“‘many friends and family members know how to reach their unhoused [sic] relatives. we need you to contact them today,’ said la mayor Karen Bass in [sic, during] friday’s press conference. ‘we need you to tell them about this danger. we need you to tell them that they should not be alone tonight. that shelters will be open.

“authorities have not yet released a motive for these homicides. the investigation is still ongoing.”

N.S.: I posted the motive at the top of the page.

suspected serial killer Jerrid Joseph Powell. Powell's first alleged murder victim (assuming there weren’t others before him), Nicholas Simbolon, was White, and therefore doesn’t count.


Anonymous said...

jerry pdx
They put his name and face right out there, must have rock solid evidence on him. Helps that he was targeting "homeless", that gives the media another victim group to focus on and put in the headlines. Not sure if he fits technical description of a serial killer, his killings occurred over the course of 4 days or so and you need the space of over a month to fit that standard definition. . A spree killer might be more accurate.
Maybe he's killed before, wouldn't be surprised but there is always less zeal from police and media to investigate the past of black killers so we may never know for sure. Since the media has dubbed him a "serial killer", I'll go ahead and put him on the list anyways. Second black one this year.

Anonymous said...

Mentally deranged negro? Hard to tell with THEM. All spades are crazy. Just some spades are crazier than most.