Saturday, December 30, 2023

"how COULD they? shocking moment 'texas' man and his friend head-stomp and beat frail Alzheimer's sufferer, 67, who got confused and mistook their car for his daughter's

By A Texas Reader
saturday, december 30, 2023 at 06:38:08 p.m. est

"how COULD they? shocking moment 'texas' man and his friend head-stomp and beat frail Alzheimer's sufferer, 67, who got confused and mistook their car for his daughter's"

"the victim attacked [sic] the clip has since been identified as Florentino Hurtado, who relatives said was diagnosed with dementia and Alzheimer's two years ago."

It's because blacks hate mexicans.

Because mexicans steal the scut work jobs that blacks used to do.

As for the victim, he's probably a wetback with American (sic) offspring.

Another welfare recipient from south of the border.

Betcha all of his American (sic) offspring were born in the county hospital, that is, for free.


Anonymous said...

Multicultural war every day,isn't there?It just takes a minor situation and something happens.Whites have become so docile that,except for the ones who can't take it anymore,they are on the receiving end 99% of the time,while only giving it out 1%.

Not a way to defend the country you were handed by your predecessors(parents,grandparents).


Anonymous said...

Mexicans don't bring a child car seat for their free emergency room baby, either. It's illegal in most states to let a baby be driven away without a child car seat, so the hospital will give them one for free to stop the entire emergency room from being shut down by Mexicans without a child car seat making a scene about not being allowed to drive away with their baby.

Anonymous said...

The parking lot parking spot a simple mistake accidentally done and what is the response and attempted murder that is what this is an attempt murder, especially against the senior citizen, even if the man was killed, that still true, aggravated offenses these guys to be locked away for a very long period of time

The man simply had Alzheimer’s did not know what he was doing, or what was happening, a trivial mistake, and nothing more than that and lethal force is, of course the only obligatory response a very deprave society we have USA