Sunday, December 31, 2023

illegal immigrants?! (Graphic)

Re-posted by N.S.


Anonymous said...

I thought I was,for opposing their invasion.


Anonymous said...

Even to say, illegal immigrant is wrong what the law says is illegal alien I know that for some people that is hard to understand. This is a difficult concept lawbreaker versus an honest person.

Anonymous said...

Yeah, illegal aliens ARE criminals--AND so are those employing them, renting to them, giving them loans, and allowing them to come in and stay. I believe federal law says it is illegal to "encourage them to settle." Yet there are laws making it a crime to refuse to rent to them etc.--clearly local laws are contradicting federal laws--and so are politicians. If Trump gets in and gets the balls to start massive deportations, he should also go after all those encouraging them to settle. If they couldn't get welfare (which more than half get now), couldn't get jobs, couldn't rent housing, etc., many would self-deport. Deport them all and let God sort them out!

Anonymous said...

That two letter word--"if"--is the biggest,most important word in our vocabulary.