Friday, December 29, 2023

“non-stop” flow of men illegal aliens “overwhelms border agents”

By Jerry PDX
friday, december 8, 2023 at 12:33:00 a.m. est

“‘non-stop’ flow of adult male migrants overwhelms border agents”:

“stunning images show arizona border crossing overrun by massive surge of adult male migrants from across globe”

“single male migrants [sic] overwhelm arizona border”:

“reporter says he filmed hundreds of military-age chinese men heading toward US in migrant [sic] groups”:

So fox news finally noticed that these illegals are almost all young, military-aged men? I've been noticing that for decades. I almost hate to give fox a shout out because I'm still peeved about them blocking me from commenting but I’ll grudgingly give them some props for (finally) running a series of headline stories about the massively skewed ratio of male third-world alien invaders crossing the border.

When I get into debates over immigration online or with liberals, they invariably give me the standard story that “migrants” are all escaping such horrifying things in their own countries that we must give them refuge. When I point out, and prove with facts, that they are 95% young single men who left the women, children, and old people behind to suffer, they always change their story and tell me that they are all fathers or sons coming to work and send money back home to their starving, suffering families.

Basically, they change their story. Try it sometimes with a liberal, it’s always the same pattern with them.

I then tell them if they were so quick to tell a falsehood about them all being conflict refugees then why should they have any credibility when they change their story to them coming to work and send money home to their families.

Caught in a lie, they usually default to calling me a racist, sometimes directly, sometimes just suggesting it.

These millions of men are just a tiny drop in a very big bucket. The population of the third world is seven billion people, only two billion of the world’s population are first-world people, still mostly White, but not for much longer. The third world that has practices such as child-bride marriage, female infanticide, gender-based abortions and polygamy creating skewed ratios of young males and it can, and will, send millions of surplus men to the first on a yearly basis, indefinitely. If we allow it, that is.

The globalists only see labor pools being shuffled around to service the job market. They don’t see or care about social impacts of their policies. They are an evil that Whites must excise from the world, if we are to survive. There is no other alternative.


Anonymous said...

What kind of labor pools are needed--that spics provide?All I see are Mex in Mex parts of town serving MEX. If they weren't here,you wouldn't need more(and we don't need any of them--except for what they've done for years--pick crops).They don't speak English,so what use are they?The answer is:none


Anonymous said...

Chinese illegals for instance how many military Asian appeared Boyer more or less dress the same with matching luggage it is all too cool pal. Joey needs to go down there in Forza lol but he will not do so bad pal Joey.