Monday, April 29, 2024

In florida, four career super-predators, 14-16, dead after carjacking, and leading cops on chase at 111 mph (video)

Re-posted by N.S.

People are calling these thugs' deaths "unfortunate," but I beg to differ. Imagine how many innocent people they would have robbed, raped, maimed and murdered, had they lived. Their deaths were most fortunate.


Anonymous said...

Crump has another(probable) case."Cops nudged the speeding vehicle."

"You can't attempt to stop blacks anymore,for just about any reason.'

--The world according to crump


Anonymous said...

Some of the thugs wearing ankle bracelets. And wearing masks. High speed pursuits dangerous. Than GOD no decent people hurt.

Anonymous said...

"wrapping it around a pole"... it's springtime, let's make these reports more festive.

"wrapping it around a maypole" and they didn't have time to yell "mayday"

Score one for dethuggification.

For the benefit of you Third World invaders who want to assimilate to that subculture, 111 mph is 178 km/h.

Anonymous said...

Outstanding warrants some had too. A whole car full of bad in one spot.