Friday, April 26, 2024

past reflections: adl blasts VDARE for comments on muslims after boston bombings

By "W"
friday, April 26, 2024 at 11:35:01 AM EDT
Subject: past reflections: ADL blasts VDARE for comments on Muslims after Boston bombings

from 2013:

As we know, it has only gotten worse, here and elsewhere.


Anonymous said...

You don't need to "use" anything to want to talk against the muslims,blacks and mex .


Anonymous said...

jerry pdx
These anti Israel pro palestinians say that they don't hate Jews or the Jewish religion, they just hate what the Israeli state is doing to the palestinians. You know what? If Islamics didn't believe in jihad against the infidel, didn't practice mass bombings, knifings and sexual violence, stayed in their own countries and stopped trying to expand into our world via immigration and violence then I wouldn't hate them either.

But that wouldn't fly with them. It's ok for them to use the rationalization "we don't hate them, just what they do" but we aren't allowed to. Classic woke/lib/sjw hypocrisy.

Anonymous said...

Why stop there? Chinese and Indians (dot variety) vote well over 70% for leftist Democrats. In Washington state these immigrants have given the DemonRats total control of the legislature. Former Republican areas have been changed to Democrat by these immigrants so now every brain dead leftist bill gets passed and there is basically no chance of electing a Republican governor. Furthermore, like the parasitic Cuckoo bird which lays its eggs in other birds' nests, then the hatchlings throw the native birds out of the nest to die, Indians get into a company and then seek to hire only other Indians. In the past immigrants came here to be Americans. Indians come here to make money and not assimilate. Indians believe their own primitive culture in which they discriminate against lower castes, persecute other religions, and arrange marriages is superior to American culture. The other day an Indian girl proclaimed that "White people are so dumb." Never mind that White people created virtually everything in modern civilization while half of Indians don't even have toilets. Be we are "dumb" to allow so many Indians to come here and colonize us.

Anonymous said...

100% agree.Assimilation is one of the differences.Foreigners plant the flags from where they originated(mex,middle east),on their porches,not USA flags.blacks do the same with blm b.s. paraphernalia.Back in the day,poles,germans,hollanders--you name it--though they lived in areas with other poles,germans and hollanders,WERE Americans.They identified as Americans.Foreigners work here today and send money back to their countries.Language?Forget about it.You can't understand any of them,even when speaking English--which most don't.The biggest difference between 2024 immigrants and 80-100 years ago is work ethic--and crime.No work ethic now,but plenty of violent crime.