Saturday, September 04, 2021

New Frontiers in Affirmative Action Justice: Arab Moslem is Rewarded with 20 Free Kills of Whites, and a Cover Story from the new york post!

“Nauman Hussain pleaded guilty to 20 counts of criminally negligent homicide for the deadly 2018 limo crash.”

By Nicholas Stix

“Hussain had been charged with 20 counts each of criminally negligent homicide and second-degree manslaughter, but copped a deal to avoid a long and emotional trial. Inspectors had served Hussain with ‘multiple notices of violations’ before the disaster, prosecutors said.”

That was post fake news reporter, Jesse O’Neill.

“Limo Operator in Upstate 2018 Crash that Killed 20 Avoids Prison" (

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Those are the new rules--and Whites are allowing it. Zero pushback,or if there is,it's being censored.