Monday, February 17, 2020

The Ubiquitous Shtick: Black Model, 25, Refuses to Wear Monkey Costume of Overgrown Ears and Lips and Blasts FIT NYFW Runway Show as "Racist"

By R.C.
Sun, Feb 16, 2020 7:10 p.m.

N.S.: This is a reportorial, not a news story. A news story would have quoted the model as blasting FIT "as racist," but the DM is assuming FIT is "being racist."

1 comment:

jeigheff said...

Earlier tonight, I went out of my way to show this article to my wife; I made sure that she saw the photos. Perhaps I am a cruel man, but I wanted to know what she thought of women's "high fashion." She was repulsed and wanted to know why I had any interest at all in this foolishness. I couldn't stop laughing for at least a couple minutes.

I don't think negroes are the only ones who should be offended. I am astonished that any woman on earth would put on fake plastic monkey lips and ears and then expect to be treated as a beautiful woman or even treated with respect. And I'm laughing again!

One of the two guys who are responsible for this "outrage" has the same last name as I do, Farmer. It seems to be a rare surname up north, less so in the south, including Texas. I can't help but wonder if J. K. Farmer is a distant black sheep relative with a perverse sense of humor and who knows how to make money from gullible women.