Thursday, January 09, 2020

Tessa Majors and the New York Times’ “Robo-Call”; MSM, Left and Right, are Giving the Hate Crime Murder/Disfigurement of Tessa Majors the Standard Treatment, Just Like Police and Prosecutors

By David in TN and Nicholas Stix
Wednesday, January 8, 2020 at 4:07:00 P.M. EST

David in TN: I was in a public library today and glanced at the current National Review. In the Periscope section, there was a paragraph on the Tessa Majors murder. Want to know what National Review calls it? According to the Great Magazine of Conservative Intellectualism it was:

“A robbery gone bad.”
The rest of the MSM is following a template used for the Knoxville Horror whenever they noticed it. Namely, that the “racist reaction” is worse than the murder itself. Today another New York Times essayist called a “racist” robo-call about the murder “the worst thing I ever heard.”

N.S.: Note that National Review has enthusiastically supported the Trayvon Martin Hoax and the Charlottesville Hoax. Its editrix, Rich Lowry, clearly makes editorial decisions based on what will keep those dinner party invitations coming from influential, rich communists like Pinch Sulzberger.

Meanwhile, the New York Times published its version of a “robo-call.” A Barnard professor who is a contributor wrote a column that functioned to divert attention from the racist hate crime committed against Tessa Majors, to a supposedly “white supremacist” robo-call from Idaho to faculty members at Barnard, the latter of which she asserts was motivated by “hate,” as opposed to former, which was a mere, racially-motivated murder.

“I did not know Ms. Majors, but I’m proud to be a teacher at Barnard. It will take a long time for our community to heal; in some ways, we never will.

“When I got the racist robocall, I deleted it instantly. My hope was to erase it from my memory, from my life, from the world I live in.

“But I should have known it’s never that easy. I can still hear that man’s voice. The more I try to forget it, the more it haunts me.

“Since then, I’ve been trying to understand, without much success, what the right response to hate should be. It’s not the first time I’ve heard voices like this, or wrestled with this question.”

“When I was young, I was ridiculed and beaten more than once for being queer. As a public advocate for L.G.B.T.Q. people, I’ve gotten used to threatening letters and being accosted in public. Last year, in response to something I’d written in The Times, someone came up to me on the street in Midtown Manhattan and began to yell and swear.” [“Tessa Majors and the Worst Thing I Ever Heard,” by Jennifer Finney Boylan, New York Times, January 7, 2020.]
The author expects the reader to believe everything in his “thing,” but gives us no reason to. If someone asserts that someone said or did something extremely offensive, he has to say which it was, not demand that we take his word on faith. Two “reporters” at Buzzfeed pulled the same stunt, in their thing about the murder, in which they asserted that a statement on Facebook was “racist,” but refused to quote it. We were simply supposed to take their word for it.

Let’s go over the author’s credibility.

He depicts a nasty telephone call as worse than a murder: Strike One;

He teaches at a college that is dictated by feminist ideology and practices, i.e., lies (including intellectual fraud and rape hoaxes), sexual hatred, and totalitarianism: Strike Two; and

He asserts that he is a she.

Jennifer Finney Boylan’s real name is James Boylan. Several years ago, Boylan declared that he was a woman, a “transgender.” However, his wife and the mother of his children didn’t leave him.

I saw James Boylan and his wife interviewed by Willie Geist on The Today Show several years ago. Geist is a normal man with a wife and kids, but I never saw him act as if a sexually normal life were normal. He was always promoting the perversion of the week.

Boylan fits the stereotype of “transgenders” described by my VDARE colleague, Steve Sailer, to a t: A very aggressive man. There was no doubt as to who wore the pants in the Boylan household.

To attend or work at Barnard, you must be a totalitarian feminist (pardon the redundancy), who lives by lies (ditto). Feminism has both its own set of lies, and the lies it promotes in league with its totalitarian allies, e.g., that innocent black males are constantly being arrested and railroaded or murdered by racist white policemen.

Feminism’s own main lies are:

There are no natural differences between men and women; the differences are all due to patriarchal socialization;

Women everywhere suffer pervasive sexual (now, they say “gender”) discrimination in pay, treatment, etc.;

Women are as intelligent as men;

Women can do every job as well, or better than men;

Privileged, white, heterosexual men maintain a “rape culture”; and

Women never (or virtually never) lie about rape.

When last I checked, James Boylan’s New York Times thing had received 239 comments. Most of them were supportive, as one would expect, but a number of honest comments were also permitted.

andy b
hudson, fl.10h ago
Times Pick

It disturbs me that so many of the comments about this essay totally miss the point of the author. She isn't placing the actual crime in any particular racial context, nor is she excusing the horrific result of it. She is writing about a specific reaction to it : a disheartening robo call on behalf of white supremacists that attempts to capitalize on a tragedy. Many of the commentators here seem to have used this article to grind their own particular axes, while criticizing the author for something not contained in her piece.

New York City4h ago
@andy b People are responding this way because the media's focus has been on the phone calls rather than the murder itself. The case is coming to embody in the minds of many a double standard the media applies to crimes that plausibly have a racial component. When the perpetrator is white and the victim is black, the media's presumption--often asserted as fact--is that the crime is racially motivated or reflects systemic racism but when the perpetrator is black and the victim is Jewish or white, the media avoids noting the race of the perpetrator--or worse--refuses to even entertain the possibility that the crimes are racially motivated--or worse still, bends over backwards to excuse or mitigate the offense. If you willfully ignore the overall context of the article, then these comments are mysterious. If you look at the article impartially and in context, these comments are perfectly understandable.

New YorkJan. 8
Times Pick
“ What I heard instead was a racist message from a white supremacist group in Idaho, using the incomprehensibly tragic death of a first-year Barnard student, Tessa Majors, as an occasion to promote hatred toward African-Americans.” As Spencer Tracy, as a lawyer, said to the jury in that classic film “Inherit The Wind;” “Ignorance and fanaticism are forever busy and need feeding!” And so these ignorant fanatics feed their warped minds by picking up the phone and spewing hatred to an answering machine!
MidwestJan. 8
Times Pick
The race to condemnation is always emotionally ahead of fact, and there is still an ongoing investigation. I believe Jennifer has this right: Using the murder of a young woman as an opportunity to spew racist hatred in voice mail via robocalls is a step beyond the circumstances of her death. It's capitalizing on an already horrific crime to "stir the pot" of racism. What kind of depraved and inhumane group of individuals targets a community already shaken and in mourning? It took organizational effort to spread such a message as far as possible by collecting the Barnard community's phone numbers and using robocalls to deliver their hate speech.

NY10h ago

@Lifelong Reader It is not race that caused this woman's death. Poverty, a culture of gang banging, a sense of entitlement because of years of discrimination, and jealousy and anger at the privileged lives Barnard and Columbia students share are some more significant factors. Since the police have little evidence what race the perpertrator or perpetrators are is irrelevant.

San FranciscoJan. 8
Times Pick

I don’t see how Tessa Major’s killing has anything to do with hate. We still don’t know what happened, whether it was a robbery gone wrong, or a crime with additional motivations such as racial, gender, or class-generated hatred. The young, alleged perpetrators are being sheltered by their families and are not cooperating with the investigators. Whoever robbed and killed Ms. Major deserves swift and harsh justice. I hope we can stop stepping gingerly around this crime like a bunch of woke ballerinas. Violent crime has no color; neither should justice.

KokomoJan. 8

@voltairesmistress , juvenile offenders are not "sheltered" by their families - they are protected by the laws that pertain to all young people who enter the juvenile justice system. Bearing in mind that brain development in humans is not complete until age 25, "swift and harsh" justice for them is not at all what should be accorded to fully grown adults, no matter their race or the nature of their crime. I am not at all making excuses for the horrific act these teenagers committed. I would feel exactly the same were the perpetrators the same race as the victim. And that is really the point: if these young men had been white,or the victim had been a person of color, I wonder if people's comments might be different.

Katherine commented January 8
NYCJan. 8

@Leslie You are mistaken. It has been widely reported (in this newspaper even) that one of the 14 year old suspects was sheltered by his family for nearly 2 weeks - long enough for his bite wound to heal that he received from her during the attack. As far as "swift and harsh" justice is concerned - we can debate about what that would look like. But assuming these kids are guilty of this heinous crime, would you seriously want them out on the streets again at 18 living in your neighborhood? Be honest with yourself.

MNJan. 8

@voltairesmistress / The crime may have had nothing to do with hate, but the message the author received on her answering machine, (and your post), certainly does. When a tiny minority controls most of the power and wealth in the world, and certainly in the US: “White het males,” the rest of the world gets stepped on and kicked with regularity. For every supposed incident of “reverse discrimination” there are 1000 cases of discrimination. There must be, necessarily, because a tiny minority controls most of the power and the wealth. Everyone else cannot be less intelligent, less capable, lazy, its just not statistically possible, much less probable. When 50% of leadership positions from team lead to CEO, in business, government, military, academia are held by women, we can stop talking about discrimination. When People of Color hold similar leadership positions to their representation percentages in society, then we can stop talking about discrimination. And whether a simple snap-shot review or highly-credible thorough longitudinal analysis, the criminal justice wealthy white het males receive versus everyone else is WILDLY disparate. If Weinstein was Black and poor, he’d be in prison already, staying there for decades and to deny this obvious truth is just lying. As for “woke” and the misogynist “ballerinas” comment, language plays an integral part in keeping power: .

midwestJan. 8
@voltairesmistress The hate here is not who killed Tessa Majors but the white supremacist organization that left a hateful message when they knew no more than any of us about who or why Tessa Majors was murdered.

New York, N.Y.12h ago
@SMcStormy What actually was the message that was left?
chris commented 11 hours ago


Anonymous said...

If you don't see how Tessa Major's murder has anything to do with HATE, you are blind. Could not read all of the disgusting comments.
Or maybe blacks are not the targets of crimes on the subway every day just the enablers?
It could be your mother, sister, daughter, cousin, niece or yourself. After you've been a victim of black hatred then you will feel differently.
In the meantime, keep laughing at the Saturday Night Live sketches where blacks rob, bully, hurt and abuse whites.
I blame the politcal agenda that gave five rapists $7.1 million dollars each to gang rape and leave a white woman for dead. That's a lot of hatred. $7.1 million dollars worth.

Anonymous said...

Any white person who stands up for themselves in any way is labeled a white supremacist. what do we call blacks like Sharpton who make a living from drumming up hatred? Or a civil service supervisor with no skills except their black skin who bully whites out of a civil service job?

Anonymous said...

I hate it when they say that stuff. "A robbery gone bad." How can a robbery ever go good? The woman was killed so the perpetrator would have some street cred.

Anonymous said...

If race is not deemed to be important--in describing who the perpetrators of these attacks are--by the bullshitting media or whacked out members of society (like Boylan),why are these crimes never committed by "gangs of whites"(except in fake news reports)?
If race should be ignored in reporting these crimes,why aren't black women--walking,jogging (lol)or driving by themselves attacked,raped and murdered by one or more numbers of roving white males?
You could only declare this a raceless scenario if there was evidence that as many whites are raping,robbing,stabbing,murdering,decapitating and burying black women all over America--which is NOT happening--thanks to yearly information from FBI stats,that white men on black women crime is infinitesimally low.Further,groups of white men are not reported to be doing this to ANY ethnic group--including their own--to any significant degree.
So we're left with a glut of attacks by black men--either singularly or as a gang--on white women.
Holt,Boylan,Sharpton,NY Times,ACLU,Oprah,Duvernay and anyone else can lie or try to distort the truth about WHO are behind the majority of these attacks--but the truth keeps repeating itself--BLACKS DO THIS ALMOST EXCLUSIVELY.and calling the truth racist doesn't change that reality.

Anonymous said...

There are plenty of horrific things to talk about in this post - too many for a full answer - but I wanted to proffer just one simple question, wrt this nonsensical phrase: 'it was a robbery gone wrong'.
Since the 'gone wrong' here almost always means (excessive) violence toward the victim - beating, shooting or here stabbing - the unexpressed assumption made by the users of this phrase implies the victim made a decision not to allow her property to be stolen, her person to be violated: ie, she 'fought back' in some way and 'made' the robbery 'wrong'.
Increasingly, it appears that no physical resistance is required - simply refusing to comply, refusing to speak, or simply saying 'NO', often results in an explosion of savage, gang violence that too often can cost you your life.
What I've never been able to fully understand, is what does it mean to say 'a robbery gone right': logic requires that this corollary phrase must also 'hold'.
If a 'robbery gone wrong' is a 'bad robbery', there must be a 'good robbery'.

And among the demographic committing these street robberies - in numbers that dwarf the same crime perpetrated by every other demographic group - there is a very clear definition of a 'good robbery'.
It is one where the targeted victim: the elderly, the handicapped, the disabled, the weak, the very young, or here, a mousy wisp of a (white) girl - those LEAST likely to fight back orb 'cause trouble' - are the most desirable to rob.
Check the NYPost Metro section, check every morning, and just skim the most recent reported crimes.
'Neutralizing' the trouble - screaming, trying to flee or fighting back - then becomes part of the equation, with the outcome always a crapshoot because of the complete lack of any hierarchy of values, sense of proportion, and - primarily - total lack of any self-control of the attackers.
The final outcome to a 'good robbery' - cash, valuables - is in jeopardy: all restraint goes out the window - with the result a college freshman knifed and slashed, bleeding to death in a shitty park that has been ground zero for brutalization of Columbia/Barnard students for more than 60 years.

Make no mistake: every idiot who uses the phrase 'a robbery gone wrong' in describing the hypothesized cascade of events of the robbery, firmly believes that any 'wrong' elements that occur are solely and fully the FAULT of the victim.
The 'perpetrators' of the robbery (and what went 'wrong' with it), almost NEVER are made to take full responsibility for any of these 'unfortunate consequences' that followed 'give us all your shit...' (see the final outcome of the 'Central Park Five'(sic).
Today, this has become a de-facto maxim in every case of black brutality against whites - even if the actions result in death, as for this poor girl (see the comments re: this 'racist, white-supremacist robocall' cited above).
That is why the primary perpetrator (and fugitive from the NYPD) was protected by his family, moved to 'safe' apts to avoid capture/arrest/interview, and brought to some Harlem legal-assistance non-profit for help.
The thinking and philosophy at work among all his supporters here could be described by: 'there's more to the story'(™); 'he be innocent - people accusing him be racist'(™); 'he innocent' or 'he dindu 'nuffin'(™).
It can be most simply summed up in the following, which has held for untold thousands of cases in the last ~50 years: 'Blacks have a license to kill, and whites have a duty to die'(™).