Monday, November 21, 2016

It’s the Michelle Obama Fashion Show! (Photoessay)


Anonymous said...

The MSM delirium is obviously contagious and affecting this "designer".From day one,I always thought Mooshell Obama was Aunt Esther's (Sanford and Son)twin.When she gets older,it'll be
-GR Anonymous

Chicago guy said...

Those were the most horrible outfits I'd ever seen. The designer came up with the most unflattering clothes possible. If I could easily see that how is it that none of those smart people noticed?

Anonymous said...

Melania needs none of their stuff. She probably has plenty already. To hell with the so called fashion designers.

Anonymous said...

This is the type of superficiality, triviality, sensationalism that gets the media and others in trouble. NO substance, just nonsense.