Friday, August 23, 2024

"university of kentucky closes dei office," but does it matter?

By Nicholas Stix

Only five aa jobs were officially cut, and they might simply have been reshuffled to other offices, or might be brought back after a brief interval.

In 2005, when black supremacist kidnapper-rapist Brian Nichols went on a spree, committing three racially motivated murders of Whites, and beat one black female deputy sheriff almost to death, murdered one black deputy sheriff who (like the black female) got in his way, and later committed another racially motivated, hate crime of a White fed in the man's own home, two black deputies who were supposed to be montioring the cells via cctv, were out instead, picking up breakfast for their black female supervisor. They were momentarily fired, but I heard that they were later re-hired, sotto voce.

Besides, every college and university campus has hundrfeds, if not thousands of affirmative action hires of blacks, hispanics, homosexuals, moslems and females who are unqualiufied and unfit for their positions, or hold jobs whose very purpose is to perpetrate evil and lies (black studies, women's studies, queer studies, v.p. for minority students, black supremacist president, etc.).

On today's campuses, virtually every full-time job, including secretary and janitor, is filled based on communist/racial socialist criteria.

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