Monday, August 26, 2024

Did Kamala Harris or Michelle “Obama” ever pass the bar exam?

By Nicholas Stix

I don’t believe that Kamala Harris or Michelle Soetoro ever passed the bar exam.

But how can that be?! After all, Harris was a da and an ag, while Michelle had a job for several years at a law firm.

(I call the latter Soetoro, because her husband was never, legally, “Barack Obama.” He was born out of wedlock to Stanley Dunham and Barack Obama. Several years later, his mother legally married for the first time, to Loelo Soetoro, who adopted her first-born, whom he named Barry Soetoro, and whom he got Indonesian citizenship.

When I taught college at William Paterson College, the feminazis who graded over 90% of the remedial English comp final essays largely ignored the quality of students’ essays. Every student wrote his essay in a “blue book,” on whose cover he had to write his name. With rare exception, the feminazis graded students based on their race.

Thus, I had borderline Puerto Rican coeds who were in danger of flunking, who tied for the second-highest grade in the class (“9” out of a possible “12”).

Later, when I taught esl at Hostos community college in the Bronx, the esl program used to distribute the final exam essay questions to students in advance. And many students hired out their final essays, brought them to call, and entered them in their “blue books.” And yet, a colleague who was the head of esl placement told me that a 50% pass rate was still good for student cheaters.

Michelle Soetoro and Kamala Harris are very stupid people. When Michelle attended Whitney Young High School, her college advisors sought to discourage her from applying to overpriced private universities, but she was accepted to Princeton. I read her Princeton senior thesis, or as much as I could take. She applied periods the way Jackson Pollock painted—as if she were using a “punctuation gun.”

Have you heard her speak? When Chicago was vying for the summer Olympics, she delivered the speech, which she was sure would seal the deal. She talked about what a big sports fan her late father had been. Since none of the other cities’ officials had a late father who had been a passionate sports fan, Chicago won.

She also told a transparent lie asserting that she was the greatest athlete on her street. She wasn’t even the greatest athlete in her household. That would have been her big brother, Craig, who had gotten a sports scholarship to Princeton.

About Giggles Harris, no examples are necessary.

Stupid people can’t pass the bar exam. Thus, based on what I have seen and read of these two colored women, and experienced of college test corruption, I am convinced that the bar exams they took were hopelessly corrupt.


Anonymous said...

At a similar level of legal competence as Kim Kardashian--if that.


AbolishTenure said...

"I read her Princeton senior thesis..." As did Christopher Hitchens:
"To describe it as hard to read would be a mistake; the thesis cannot be ‘read’ at all, in the strict sense of the verb. This is because it wasn’t written in any known language." (source)

Anonymous said...


(ZH)After presiding over the worst illegal immigration crisis in US history, failed 'border czar' Kamala Harris has now pledged to spend hundreds of millions of dollars to build a wall at the southern US border - a plan she called "un-American" during the Trump administration.

According to Axios, which calls it the "latest example of Harris flip-flopping on her past liberal positions," Harris is now embracing a 'more hawkish' immigration policy while the Trump campaign spends tens of millions of dollars on attack ads over the Biden-Harris administration's failed border policies.

Last week, Harris told the Democratic National Convention that she would sign a recent bipartisan border security bill negotiated by Sens. James Lankford (R-OK) and Chris Murphy (D-CT), which calls for hundreds of millions of dollars of unspent funds to be used to continue Trump's wall.

GRA:To blacks,lies grow on trees and the trees grow to the sky.