Tuesday, August 27, 2024

Fargo congoid admits stabbing 14-year-old, White former girlfriend 13-times

By "W"
tuesday, august 27, 2024 at 05:27:54 p.m. edt

Fargo congoid admits stabbing 14-year-old White former girlfriend 13-times

Where were her parents? Or maybe they didn't know. And where is society at large? Wherever there are negroes, there is danger.



Anonymous said...

negro must have had DIE training--on Whites--from his fambilee.


Anonymous said...

FOURTEEN?She looks 25--which thanks to the nig,she'll never see.


Anonymous said...

A 5'6" nig with hair like a tarantula farm--that's what gorgeous White girls are screwing?

The country is done.