Sunday, August 25, 2024

"faithfully and with a smile, dr. Durdana Sikander treated veterans at the dallas va medical center, says friend and fellow physician dr. Rabia Khan"

By A Texas Reader
saturday, august 24, 2024 at 01:27:05 p.m. edt

"faithfully and with a smile, dr. Durdana Sikander treated veterans at the dallas va medical center, says friend and fellow physician dr. Rabia Khan. 'she was an American citizen and she said, "I love to serve our own American veterans, that they have ser...'"

"dallas va hospital doctor killed in crash heading into work"

va hospitals should have closed long ago.

But endless wars provide a steady supply of cannon fodder, literal fodder, to the hospitals.


Anonymous said...

No Whites were harmed--or talked to--in this story.


Anonymous said...

Just wondering. Was there a lot of talk about " serve American veterans" at "Dr. Sikander’s funeral at a ... Mosque"?

Anonymous said...

You have to wonder at what point is it more cost effective to stop running a massive separate parallel VA hospital network with its own set of complicated rules - and consolidate into other federal health programs and hand the hospitals over to the states. Then there's Indian Health Service. Yes, we have a whole separate bureaucracy running apartheid socialized medicine where the registration desk asks for tribal membership info and Indian blood quantum.

Too many programs and fiefdoms. What a mess. Making sick people sicker and poor taxpayers poorer. Think outside the box. Downsize. Devolve. What happened to Red Lobster needs to happen to Fed Lobster.

VA - Your Health Care Costs