Sunday, August 25, 2024

Who is Craig Price? His name ought to be one of the most notorious in America, and yet, hardly anyone has heard of him!

By Jerry PDX
sunday, august 25, 2024 at 9:25:00 p.m. edt

Who is Craig Price? If you’re scratching your head, I totally understand. I had no idea who he was until I saw a True Crime episode featuring his case.

Craig Price is a negro who happens to be the youngest serial killer in U.S. history, but as usual with blacks, received minimal media attention. He was a racist serial killer who targeted White females, two adult women and two little girls, stabbing his first victim to death at the tender age of 13.

Two years later, at 15, he brutally murdered another woman and her two daughters. Despite the horrific nature of his crime, the author of this article tries to “humanize” him. Here she describes what a sweet little boy he was:

“all of his teachers and neighbors recall that he had a comedic nature about him. as a child, he would go the extra mile to help others. when any of his neighbors needed a helping hand, he was the first one to arrive. he never hesitated to offer his services, whether the task was carrying someone’s groceries into the house or mowing their lawn. Craig received good grades in school, and he had a passion for football and basketball. all my research corroborated that Craig was a typical child growing up in the 1970s and 1980s.”

[N.S.: How many times have we heard this crap about racist, black monsters?! I can hear David in TN chuckling in my head. But he won’t be able to come up with a number, either, because the practice is ubiquitous.]

Author of the article is Tammy Underwood. I tried to find her photo online but there are a lot of same-named women, and I couldn’t find one connected to hubpage. The only one who was listed as a “journalist” was an obese White one who looked like the type that would be attracted to a hulking ‘groid like Price. Here she sneaks in a little excuse for him:

“Craig was only 15-years-old on september 1, 1989, when he smoked some marijuana laced with lsd and found himself at Joan Heaton’s house. After standing outside for a while, Craig decided to feed his inner monster. He let himself into the house and headed straight for the kitchen.”

He “found” himself in front of his victims’ house? No, he didn’t “find” himself there, he went there deliberately with intent to kill. The marijuana and lsd didn’t make him do it, his evil nature did.

Here she slips in another:

“Craig was afraid one of the neighbors would hear her. In one long stride, he threw his massive weight against her, strangling her until she slumped to the floor. Once her body fell to the floor, he didn’t know if she was unconscious or dead. That’s when he decided to stab her. He wound up inflicting 57 stab wounds on the 39-year-old mother of two.”

“the killing escalates

“when Joan saw Craig and screamed, she woke up her daughters. Jennifer was only ten, Melissa only eight.”
I don't want to post what happened next, it’s just too gruesome and sickening.

Notice the author slips in that he attacked Heaton because she screamed and he didn’t want anyone to hear. That’s a lie that Underwood wrote, trying to mitigate that fact that he went to Heaton’s house with intent to kill. He would have killed her, whether she screamed or not. Same with the two little girls.

[N.S.: No, it was Joan Heaton and her little daughters’ fault, not Craig Price’s that he slaughtered them all.]


1 comment:

Anonymous said...

If you want news,come to NSU;If you want noise,go to msm.