Friday, August 23, 2024

More on Jerry Sandusky and Walz

friday, august 23, 2024 at 06:40:52p.m. edt

More on Jerry Sandusky and Walz

My nephew is an alumnus of the university of Maryland.

He used to pointedly remind my sister-in-law, a Penn state alumna, of Jerry Sandusky.

was Gricar investigating pedos like Sandusky?

No different than Anne Heche?

I've covered the extremely strange "death" of Anne Heche before on this site (I will repost my prior analysis at the bottom of this article in case you've missed it) but I just came across an incredible breakdown of all the strange details posted by my friend Brainstorm_Joe on and I had to share...
Asking for Michael Hastings, among others.

Intelligent search from bing makes it easier to quickly find what you're looking for and rewards you.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

If that were true,I might just laugh myself to death.walz,another sandusky,would be hilarious.But it's on gab so...