Sunday, August 05, 2012

Gay Nazis to Chick-fil-A COO, Dan Cathy: ‘We Have First Amendment Rights, but You Don’t!,’ AOL Huffington Post Censors Agree


Gay hero, Ernst Röhm
Bogeyman of gay Nazis, Dan Cathy
Pro-homosexual propagandist-censor, Arianna Huffington, 2011. Is she a Nazi?

By Nicholas Stix

The Gay Nazi movement to queer the law continues apace.

These days, the lavender goosesteppers are managing to be even more obnoxious than the New Black Panther Party division of the murder cult the Nation of Islam, and that’s saying something!

My reference to “Gay Nazis” is no mere hyperbole. The rewritten, Bizarro World history, in which the Nazis persecuted homosexuals as badly as they did Jews notwithstanding, the most fearsome, violent division of the Nazi Party in Weimar and early Nazi Germany was led by a gang of open homosexuals. The Storm Troopers (die Stürmer, die Stürmabteilung), aka Brownshirts, were led by a cabal of open homosexuals.

The four million-man-strong Storm Troopers/Brownshirts were instrumental in fomenting the atmosphere of violence and street anarchy in the late days of Weimar. They were murderous street fighters.

The Storm Troopers were led by an open homosexual named Ernst Röhm. Röhm was wildly popular, and in some precincts was more popular than Hitler himself. That is why Hitler had Röhm and his homosexual lieutenants all murdered during the night of June 30/July 1, 1934. They were dragged out of bed with their lover/lieutenants in the dead of night, taken outside and shot. It was colloquially called “Die Nacht der langen Messer” (“the night of the long knives”).

The Johnny-come-lately collaborationist facist (not to be confused with Nazi) political theorist, Carl Schmitt, who had previously opposed the Nazis, degraded himself by writing a ludicrous defense of Hitler, “Der Führer Schützt das Recht” (The Führer Defends the Law”). Nazis made up an official cover story, whereby Röhm was seeking to topple Hitler, and spoke of “der Röhm-Putsch.“ [Schmitt was the greatest German language political thinkerof the past 100 or so years; his treachery was the worst case of a brilliant intellectual betraying everything he believed in, of the same period. I dubbed him, the Mephistopheles of the Modern State.)

I was reminded of the homosexual pillar of Nazism when I saw the movie American Beauty, in 2000.

The film was written by a homosexual propagandist named Alan Ball, who hated heterosexual suburbanites, and military men, in particular. (I wasn’t aware that Ball was a homosexual at the time, but learning that didn’t change my jaundiced view of the picture.)

Ball also celebrated the philosophy of existentialism (though without naming it as such), another gift from the Nazis.

In a review I wrote in 2000, I talked about the Nazism’s homosexual and existential heritages.

Calling these people “gay” is ridiculous. They are humorless and hateful. “Dour” would be more accurate. Dour activists.

At AOL’s Huffington Post, following the excerpted dour propaganda piece below, were several comments, most of them anti-dour. I figured they must be unrepresentative for such a racial socialist Web site, but then I noticed that after 36 hours at a site that typically has thousands of comments to its every post, there were only 33 comments. The HP censors must have deleted 99 percent of the comments! (This writer is permanently blocked from commenting at HP.)

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Chick-Fil-A Chicago Fallout: LGBT Advocacy Group Files Complaint Against Chicken Chain
August 3, 2012 11:14 a.m.; updated 11:28 a.m.
AOL’s Huffington Post
Story by Kate Sosin, courtesy the
Windy City Times:

Illinois LGBT policy organization The Civil Rights Agenda (TCRA) fought back against Chick-fil-A in what some have jokingly deemed "the chicken war."

The organization has filed complaints against Chick-fil-A, alleging that the franchise violated the Illinois Human Rights Act when its chief operating officer, Dan Cathy, made statements against gay marriage.

The complaint comes a day after Chicago Republicans filed a complaint against Ald. Proco Joe Moreno, who vowed to block the chain from opening in his ward due to Cathy's homophobic comments. The Republican complaint argues that Moreno violated the Illinois Human Rights Act by stating he would deny a business a permit based on the expressed religious beliefs of its COO….

Lonely Weirdo
15 hours ago ( 9:27 AM)

I appreciate the liberals stirring the conservative group in an election year. It's timely.

23 minutes ago (12:00 AM)

So boycott it if you don't like it, but don't try to pass off what the LGBT is doing as constitutional. You can't win a complaint against someone because you don't agree with their personal views! People have a right to believe what they want--Dan Cathy is not forcing anyone to believe in what he believes in! So you're saying it's against the law to voice an opinion? What is the LGBT doing then??

When African Americans wanted equal rights, they wanted to work, shop, and eat with everyone else. Now THAT is a civil right. Chik-Fil-A is following the laws: anyone can work there and eat there. Chik-Fil-A has been very respectful and classy ever since the franchise started. The groups like the LBGT keep spouting foul, but who is being the real bully here?

I'll dumb it down for the self-proclaimed liberals who don't see past their own faces:

LGBT: I like the color purple.
Chik-Fil-A: Well, I like the color blue.
LGBT: How DARE YOU! EVERYONE should like the color purple!! Blue should be deemed UNCONSTITUTIONAL! GET OUT OF THIS CITY!

Mister H
01:57 PM on 08/03/2012

Did this group file a complaint against President Obama when he opposed gay marriage as recently as a couple of months ago?

07:54 PM on 08/03/2012

Shhh! We're not allowed to talk about that LOL!

Lonely Weirdo
15 hours ago ( 9:29 AM)

Not until the gays peed in their own pool

John Dillingerr
08:13 PM on 08/03/2012

this is what you call an act of desperation to stay in the public eye
the LBGT and their war with the chicken man is over
the LGBT got outclassed.
learn from your mistakes & regroup

07:58 PM on 08/03/2012

Wow, what a biased "article." Anyway, groups like these and recent comments by certain fascist politicians have pretty much doomed the gay marriage movement. There's a right way to patiently invoke change and there's a wrong way to do it like this advocacy group.

10:29 PM on 08/03/2012

If we let the Chicken Creeps have free speech, the next thing that happens would be some psychologist claiming standardized tests aren't biased


Robert Hagedorn said...

Should the anus be used as a sex organ? Google First Scandal. When you get there, go to the top of the page and click on "Can you explain..." Please note: this website you reach will be deleted on November 1, 2012.

Anonymous said...

Too funny.

A homosexual Nazi dressed up in uniform.

Village People, anyone?

Anonymous said...

Rohm was definitely queer and quite proud of it. The purge have been called the "Night of the Fabulous Knives."