Monday, October 10, 2011

“Tammy”: Pre-Pubescent, 11-Year-Old Berkeley, CA Boy, Thomas Lobel, Wants to Chemically Stop Puberty, Get Himself Sexually Butchered, and “Changed”

into a “Girl”; His Lesbian “Parents” Wholeheartedly Support His “Decision”
By Nicholas Stix


Thomas “Tammy” Lobel in a dress


How Many Things are Wrong with This Picture?

Lesbian adoptive “parents” cite pseudoscience from the homosexualist front, Youth Suicide Prevention Program, “that children with gender identity disorder forced to postpone transitioning could face a higher risk of suicide.” Let me get this straight: Pseudo-science proves that people with a non-existent “condition” “could” (not “do”) face a “higher risk of suicide,” if their bodies are not butchered while they are still minors.

This suicide scam is one of the pillars of the homosexualist campaign: If normal people don’t submit to homosexuals’ every demand, homosexual children will end up killing themselves!

When I was a kid, any doctor caught thus butchering a child would not only have had his medical license revoked, but would have been prosecuted, convicted, and imprisoned of maiming and child abuse.

Remember when feminists began asserting, 40 years ago, that “gender” was a “social construct.” How do you get from a “social construct” that denies all of nature, to a malady (“gender identity disorder”) that occurs while an unborn child is in the womb?

Answer: You don’t.

These lunatics will say anything, at any time that they think will serve their sick ends.

Forty years ago, they vehemently asserted that homosexuality was a “life-style choice.” Now they vehemently assert that it is biologically determined. They likewise assert that there is a biological reality to that they call “gender identity disorder.” But they never deal in evidence, just pseudo-science and vilifying and destroying the lives of their critics, such as The Man Who Would be Queen author (here and here), J. Michael Bailey—and he believes in transsexuality!

In my heart, I just know that I'm seven feet tall, but my physical appearance belies this reality. Should I therefore get an operation, whereby a surgeon chops off my feet, inserts "extenders," and reattaches my feet, so that I attain my true seven feet in height?

The following title, including the parenthetical “(and his lesbian parents)” is exactly as it appeared in the Daily Mail.

The little boy who started a sex change aged eight because he (and his lesbian parents) knew he always wanted to be a girl
Parents say it's better for Thomas to have sex change before he is adult
By Daily Mail Reporter [N.S.: in other words, anonymous.]
Last updated at 12:04 p.m. on 30th September 2011

The lesbian parents of an 11-year-old boy who is undergoing the process of becoming a girl last night defended the decision, claiming it was better for a child to have a sex change when young.

Thomas Lobel, who now calls himself Tammy, is undergoing controversial hormone blocking treatment in Berkeley, California to stop him going through puberty as a boy.

But Pauline Moreno and Debra Lobel warn that children with gender identity disorder forced to postpone transitioning could face a higher risk of suicide.

The mothers say that one of the first things Thomas told them when he learned sign language aged three - because of a speech impediment - was, 'I am a girl'.

At age seven, after threatening genital mutilation on himself, psychiatrists diagnosed Thomas with gender identity disorder. By the age of eight, he began transitioning.

This summer, he started taking hormone-blocking drugs, which will stop him from experiencing puberty.

The hormone-suppressant, implanted in his upper left arm, will postpone the 11-year-old developing broad shoulders, deep voice and facial hair.

The couple faced intense criticism from friends and family as a result, Ms Moreno told MailOnline.

'Everybody was angry with us. "How could you be doing this? You might be ruining his whole life!"

Citing a statistic from the Youth Suicide Prevention Program, Ms Moreno noted over 50 per cent of transgender youth will have had at least one suicide attempt by their 20th birthday.

[A tip ‘o the butcher’s knife to Lawrence Auster.]


jeigheff said...

This story appeared on Moonbattery a couple days ago. I found it pretty shocking and disgusting.

One individual who commented on this story at that site said that ruining the life of this young boy is the two lesbians' revenge against men. That seems quite believable to me.

I pray someone stops them.

Baloo said...

Incredibly creepy stuff. It's commented on and linked to by Ex-Army HERE.

Anonymous said...

This is the worst case of child abuse I have ever heard of. Both the "parents" and doctor should be jailed immediately.


Anonymous said...

You just know that those female faggots just hate the sight of that little boy's dick. If that kid don't get a sex change those Rosies might do the job themselves. Where is the child protective services? Are they scared of the homos in this country? Apparently homos have this country treed.
This is proof enough of how sick this US of A has become. Sick. Sick.

Anonymous said...

Yeah as one of those female faggots I can't wait to jump at any dick I see and lop it off just to make us one step closer to a world without men. That's the goal here, so keep your cocks tucked and we won't have any problems boys.

And guess what... the government's not protecting you! Cry about it. Who needs the protection of some big strong arms now?