Monday, July 01, 2024

Old Bidenstein: See the great, new Mel Brooks movie! (Yes, Mel is still alive, and much more spry than you-know-who)

By Grand Rapids Anonymous
sunday, june 30, 2024 at 11:11:00 p.m. edt

Same guy, different brain--Old Bidenstein.

The new Mel Brooks comedy/horror movie (no brain transplant here, though).

“It’s ALIVE!” (Barely.)

Watching him walk down those three steps after the “debate” was very telling. His mind cannot direct his feet to walk, measure steps, function anymore.

It’s a sign of total incapacitation in the very near future.

My mom, at 90, was still very agile, in walking gait and mind. I see joe biden at 81, and see a very ill individual.



Anonymous said...

Mel Brooks recently(10 days ago)received a Peabody award that Billy Crystal handed to him--without Brooks falling over.He walked onstage without help and ad-libbed for 5 minutes.

He IS an anomaly,but so is biden.


Anonymous said...

Correct. Hard to spry and able when you reach the golden years which to some are not so golden.