Wednesday, May 03, 2023

crybaby, nation of islam, nyc mayor Eric Adams says gov Abbott of texas is a racist

By Merlin
wed, may 3, 2023 3:47 p.m. crybaby nyc mayor Eric Adams says gov Abbott of texas is a racist

Racist Targeting

Unfortunately, for this two-digit IQ mayor, all the cities he cites, and many more, are mayored by blacks; out of all proportion to the percentage of blacks who live those cities. Essentially these are black executives in black-minority cities. In fact, fully one-third of America's 50 largest cities are black.

Adams is the mayor of new york city, a self-proclaimed sanctuary city. So, it makes sense that Abbott would move migrants out of texas to this city.

Also, please keep in mind that Abbott's program is voluntary for the migrants, so these people have an interest in going to very specific cities. Even so, Adams stated, "This weekend, we learned that governor Abbott is once again deciding to play politics with people's lives by resuming the busing of asylum seekers to new york, los angeles, chicago, denver, and Washington, D.C. "Not only is this behavior morally bankrupt and devoid of any concern for the well-being of asylum seekers, but it is also impossible to ignore the fact that Abbott is now targeting five cities run by black mayors. Put plainly, Abbott is using this crisis to hurt black-run cities," reports fox news.

Adams concluded, "Despite Abbott's inhumane actions, new york city will continue to do all it can to handle this influx, but this crisis is more than one city can handle. With a vacuum of leadership from border states, we need the federal government to step in and provide us with support and to prevent this cruelty from continuing."

Abbott has sent less migrants to nyc than texas sees in two days, yet Adams is making himself out to be the martyr that is handling the brunt of the influx.

el paso, tx, is seeing 1,000 migrants per day, a number that will more than double next week, and Adams does not think democrats encouraging this activity should not be sharing the burden of texas?

mayor Lori Lightfoot, another race-card player, has also blasted Abbott on the same front.

All I can say is that if these democrats have a problem with what Abbott is doing, take a trip to DC and take it up at its source, with fake president/real gangster Joe Biden, the border blaster and his henchwoman,the border czar cum word salad queen, Kamala "Yellow School Bus" Harris.


Anonymous said...

I referred to Adams complaining about this last week and said,"Adams is worried about the dilution of NYC's black population."

Adams is afraid that if there's few more months of this, the spicano community would find a spicano or two to run for mayor and boot him out.
That"s why.

Anonymous said...

I saw the headline and pictured a "Bugs Bunny" cartoon with substitutions:
Abbott is Bugs--aka,the "Wabbit"(it even rhymes)and Eric Adams is Elmer (Fudd)Adams trying to get that "wascally wabbitt"--Abbott--to take back the wetbacks he sent to NYC:

"Yoo hoo,Mr.Waaabbit."

"Nyaah,what's up,nog?And it's Abbott to you."

"I was hoping you would 'we-consider' sending anymore of these Mexicans to New York city,Mr Wabbitt."


"But they're ruining our city--and the 5 biggest cities where blacks are 'wunning' things."

""Nope--why should I?You need some diversity up there,nog."

"Ooooh,you're a waycist!"

"Sticks and stones will break my bones,but lies will never hurt me."

"Ooooh,he IS a wascally one."

"I know"--Eric Fudd snaps his fingers--then yells out:
"I'll send ALL my black wesidents to TEXAS!"

"And I'll send all MY black AND Mex residents to New York!"

"Dwat--foiled again."

"Look,nog,unless YOUR PARTY stops the border crossings,I have only one thing further to say:
Th-that's all folks--the busings continue."
(Theme music and...)

The end--a Merry Melodies production.


Anonymous said...

"This weekend, we learned that governor Abbott is once again deciding to play politics with people's lives by resuming the busing of asylum seekers to new york, los angeles, chicago, denver, and Washington, D.C. "

None of what is happening would have happened if Don had been allowed to build a wall.