Tuesday, May 23, 2023

black attacker arrested in racist nyc subway shoving that left White female victim asking "Am I going to die?" the nypd is keeping the suspect's name a secret, while the new york post is covering up the attack's racial character!

By N.S.

head-police-person-in-charge: Keechant L. Sewell

Keith Poole is editor-in-chief, new york post, and Lachlan Murdoch is the publisher (though a Sean M. Giancola is officially ceo/publisher).

"suspect arrested in random NYC subway shoving that left woman asking ‘Am I going to die?’

"the alleged attacked [sic], whose name was not released, was arrested and being processed on pending charges tuesday morning."



Anonymous said...

I've said this for about 3 years,crime will not be reported as it was.No more Jacquarious Jones,because it's a giveaway as to the race.Can they(the local gov't)withhold information like that from the public is the question.

One would think if media can access records through the " freedom of information act",someone could sue and force the release of basic criminal information.

But they are circling the wagons around blackie--even less liberal papers like the post.

"Anonymous" will be the name of all BLACK criminals it appears,sooner than I thought--unless lawsuits are filed.


Anonymous said...

jerry pdx
The article the URL links to does name the attacker. He is 39 yr. old (looks much older) Kamal Semrade and is one of the rare cases of subway shovers where the attacker is not black...but he's not White either. He appears to either be Indian (is Kamal the male form of Kamala? Better contact VP Harris and let her know one of her own is in trouble) or possibly a follower of the "religion of peace", his immigration status is not mentioned. The victim is an attractive young woman, 35 yr. old Emin Ozsoye, and her spine was broken in the attack. I suspect she looks to Mr. Semrade like someone he has shared heritage with and past rejections from women like her was the source of his anger. I hope she isn't permanently crippled from this but a broken spine sounds very bad.

As for Mr. Semrade's looking much older than 39, I have to wonder if he is an alien invader who lied about his age to get in as a minor.

Anonymous said...


The Epoch Times,

Top New York Democrats have called on President Joe Biden to grant work permits to unemployed illegal aliens residing in NYC.

Mayor of New York City Eric Adams, Gov. Kathy Hochul, Reps. Dan Goldman and Jerry Nadler of New York held a May 22 press conference in Brooklyn with progressive labor and business leaders, reported Politico.

The leading New York Democrats asked the White House to issue special federal work permits for the large numbers of illegal immigrants who have flooded into the state since 2022.

They called for Biden to expedite the process by issuing executive orders without waiting for Congress to allow the illegals, who are currently on public assistance, to be able to work and alleviate financial pressure on social services.

(GRA:How does a non-citizen receive public assistance?Why would the invaders WANT to work?Politicians--I KNOW--are not THAT stupid.It's the same reason THEY(the pols)run for office--easy money WITHOUT work.)

“Without legislation, we can get this done,” said Hochul, referring to the unlikelihood that such a bill to authorize work would pass.

New York State is among the top ten states with the highest unemployment rates in the nation, with a labor participation rate of 60.8 percent, according to government data.

GRA:What jobs would a non-English speaking spicano qualify for?I can only think of one:Lookout.


Anonymous said...

Maybe a minor. Who knows.