Saturday, October 29, 2022

What has 5 legs, 3 heads, 7 arms & hums?

By R.C.
sat, oct 29, 2022 11:12 p.m.

What has 5 legs, 3 heads, 7 arms & hums?

Jeffrey Dahmer’s refrigerator.


Anonymous said...

The offspring of two Covid vaxxers?


Anonymous said...

Speaking of Covid,my laugh of the Day,is a commercial promo cbs played on "Face the(Commie)Nation",for "tonight's 60 minutes.

"Our correspondents go with scientists,into the jungles of Africa,to find the next pathogen."

Or plant one?Or bring one back?

Without a disease to shriek about,the government just doesn't know what to do with itself.The masses aren't panicking,they've gotten past Covid and they need to be quarantined again.

Go find one.