Saturday, April 16, 2022

Sing “New York, New York”: The Brand New Version!

By Grand Rapids Anonymous
Saturday, April 16, 2022 at 3:35:00 A.M. EDT

Why would anyone want to fly in—in the dead of night—to NYC?

I’ll explain why I advise against it—with this Frank Sinatra classic.

New York, New York

Start spreading the news,
It’s safer to be,
So very far away from it,
New York, New York.

These words you can use,
What more can I say?
You’ll get shot, stabbed—I promise it,
New York, New York.

If you want to wake up with a bullet,
Wedged in you deep.
Then make a trip to New York,
Shot while you sleep.

Some political views,
That you might hear today.
Are lies to try and get you here,
To old New York.

I’ll never travel there,
Not even on a dare,
I say “F.U.,”
New York, New York.

New York, New York,
I would like to walk in a city,
Where I won’t get beat.
By negro thugs, number one,
--and other scum creeps.

All the slanted Dem views
That we’re hearing today,
They’re lies to get you here,
negro—New York

I’ll never visit there,
Not even on a dare,
I say “F off,”
New York, New York.
New York.


1 comment:

Anonymous said...

jerry pdx

Story from Italy:

"Man on Disability Welfare Accused of Faking Blindness After Being Caught Looking at Woman’s Bottom"

Well, maybe her bottom was so divine he was miraculously healed?

I have to wonder, is he being persecuted for faking blindness or looking at a woman's bottom? Not sure how Woke Italy has become but in this country, you just don't know anymore.

All I know is if checking out if a woman has a nice ass is some kind of crime, then I'd be on death row.