Thursday, September 02, 2021

Reader Writes that No Matter How Monstrous black-on-White Atrocities are, Whites Do Not Have the Right to Talk about Them!

[Re: “Why Has There Not been a Two-Hour ABC 20/20, CBS 48 Hours, or NBC Dateline Special on the Knoxville Horror Christian-Newsom Gang-Rape-Torture-Murders?”]

By Nicholas Stix

Unknown said…
Wednesday, September 1, 2021 at 10:45:00 A.M. EDT

“What these animals did is disgusting but its cuz of ppl like u that so many African americans think all white ppl are racists.”

N.S.: If blacks will not tolerate Whites complaining about black war crimes against them, then blacks consider Whites their slaves.


Anonymous said...

The reader wrote that response to a story from three years ago.He's got a lot to catch up on,


jeigheff said...

If you want to ruin your day and educate yourself about black-on-white crime at the same time, read about prison rape in the US. The topic seems to be relatively uncensored online, at least for now.

A white buddy of mine was in prison back in the 90s. He did something that was stupid and desperate, rather than evil, at least in my opinion. My friend never denied responsibility. In spite of having no criminal record, his judge threw the book at him. My friend served half of a seven year sentence.

In prison, my friend was threatened and attacked by non-whites more than once. On one occasion, some black guys threatened him with rape. My friend avoided this by somehow getting himself removed from the general population. These things happened in more than one prison in Texas over the course of the years.

While my buddy was serving time, I sometimes talked on the telephone with my friend's father. His dad told me things that his son couldn't or wouldn't write about in his correspondence with me. So I found out about the rape threat from his dad.

Not surprisingly, my buddy's dad said that when and if his son got his freedom, his son would never again trust black people. My buddy and his dad were both Jewish, by the way. The fact that my friend was both white and Jewish might have worked against him.

My buddy eventually was released from hell on earth and got his freedom. He and I visited a couple times, but eventually lost contact with each other. We owe each other a call, I guess.

Maybe I've already shared this story here in the past. It's worth repeating.

Anonymous said...

"blacks consider Whites their slaves."

Such an idea excites and is enjoyed by the colored. And if not a slave, then a cash cow for life paying out "benefits" to the needy negro.