Sunday, September 12, 2021

Guess Who Else is Exempt from Biden's Chinabug Vax Mandate?

By "W"
Sun, Sep 12, 2021 1:23 p.m.

Who is Exempt from Biden's Chinabug Vax Mandate?

"W": What does this suggest to you?


Anonymous said...


Political Theatre
Heart Inflammation in Teens Explodes Across US After FDA Approves Injections

Father Whose Son Died From Vaccine-Induced Heart Inflammation Censored By Facebook

Watch: Joe Biden Booed, Heckled at 9/11 Memorial — Thousands Chant “We Want Trump” at Boxing Event

Lawsuit: 220,000 Military Service Members Say ‘No’ to Biden’s Forced Covid Injections.

GRA:Yet,you watch "See B.S." this morning,none of the above is mentioned--you actually SEE B.S.!


Anonymous said...

Biden and the White House staff and [?] the entire West Sing. Congress in entirety and the postal workers. The latter because so many negro will refuse the shots if told to comply. Cannot offend the negro.

Anonymous said...

That did get my attention right away. Postal workers exempt but not military? Makes no sense unless you consider the racial dimension. Must not force the blacks.

Anonymous said...


Paul Craig Roberts

Interview with a hospital nurse —

She says that what are called “breakthrough cases” and Delta variant cases are affecting mainly the vaccinated and are in fact adverse reactions to the vaccinations. She says hospitals and hospital doctors will not acknowledge the fact of adverse reactions and report adverse reactions to the vaccine as new Covid cases. The more Covid cases and Covid deaths, the more money the hospital makes, so reporting adverse vaccine reactions as new Covid cases is the way hospitals are maximizing their profits. Obviously, a hospital doctor who disagrees is out of a job. In other words, the truth about Covid and the vaccine is too costly to the hospital to be acknowledged.

The interviewed nurse says that half of the nurses at the hospital where she works are about to lose their jobs, because they refuse to be vaccinated. We have seen, she says, the terrible effects of vaccination on patients and are unwilling to do this to ourselves. Many nurses want to quit regardless, because they cannot stop doctors from making people ill by vaccinating them.

The nurse says that the only treatment the hospital gives Covid patients is Remdesivir and puts patients on ventilators. Remdesivir has serious adverse effects of its own, and ventilators are a known killer of Covid patients.

Asked about Ivermectin, hospitals refuse to use it even if a doctor prescribes it for a patient.

The conclusion is that when it comes to Covid treatment, the American medical system is the most backward one in the world.

Unfortunately, the presstitutes will not report any of this.

The Covid lie began with the PCR test run at high cycles that made the test unreliable and a generator of a high rate of false positives. This is how the “pandemic” was created.

Fear was also driven by financial incentives given to hospitals. Covid deaths meant bonus payments. This cleverness gave hospitals incentives to report all possible deaths as Covid deaths. The flu season, heart attacks, cancer, pneumonia, all became Covid deaths.

In truth the people dying were people with Covid and co-morbidities, and they were dying because they were not being treated except with ventilators, which turned out not to be a treatment that addresses Covid.

Known and safe treatments were withheld, because otherwise emergency use could not be granted the pending vaccines. Emergency use authorization is dependent on the absence of treatments that cure.

The vaccine is not a vaccine. It is an effort to substitute experimental RNA technology for a vaccine, and it has failed big time. What was yesterday “fully vaccinated” is today unvaccinated. A booster shot is needed, and Fauci now says one will be needed every 8 months or despite numerous shots you will be unvaccinated. In Israel where 84% are “vaccinated,” the pandemic among the vaccinated is so great that the Israeli health czar already has Israelis on a second booster. It seems humanity is to become a pin cushion for vaccine needles.


Anonymous said...


Paul Craig Roberts

If already there are variants, it is highly likely that they are results of the vaccine which top rank scientists believe enables the virus to escape immune response. In other words, the more vaccination, the more variants, the more Covid spreads.

It would be impossible to design a greater failure or a greater threat to public health and civil liberty than the mRNA vaccines and the campaign behind them. Many distinguished experts have reached this conclusion and speak it, but they are censored. Why? Is it only because they threaten vaccine profits?

Despite the massive undeniable total failure of the Covid Vaccine, there is enormous pressure from everywhere for universal vaccination. Biden wants it mandated by the Labor Department that every firm with 100 employees requires vaccination as a condition of employment. Hospitals and HMOs are requiring it of their doctors and nurses. There are calls to deny unvaccinated people access to restaurants, hotels, public transportation, sports events, hospitals, and even visits to their own doctor.

The only possible conclusion is that either public officials, employers, and university administrators are so completely stupid that they cannot fathom the clear evidence or they want more adverse vaccine reactions, more new variants, and more Covid cases.

GRA:They're not stupid.


Anonymous said...

Just watched three doctors on Dr.Oz's show tell everyone,"that even if you had Covid--and recovered,go get the vaccine--as soon as you are well."

"If you have unhealthy factors--get the vaxx."
"If you're healthy--get the vaxx."

None of it makes any sense--especially after reading a straight up guy like Paul Craig Robert's report.