Thursday, September 02, 2021

Don Lemon is Now on the “Non-Vaccinated-Taking-Up-Resources” Campaign Trail

By Jerry PDX
Wednesday, September 1, 2021 at 11:49:00 A.M. EDT

As I’ve mentioned before, this is the new focus because they need to direct away from the latest CDC announcements about the vaccine’s limitations.

Hey Don, when it comes to this “resources” issue, what about illegal aliens taking up as much as 40% of medical costs in some regions of the country? How many illegals clog up emergency rooms and ICUs, without paying a dime of the costs? What about the 13% who suffer from higher rates of cancer, heart disease, diabetes and other debilitating diseases, because of their chosen lifestyles? Why aren’t they being made to feel guilty for taking up a disproportionate amount of health-care resources? If they just stop drinking and smoking so much and ate a healthier diet, they’d free up an immense amount of medical resources. Oh wait, you’re saying it’s their right and freedom to do so? Is that what you’re saying, Don?

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

"If they just stop drinking and smoking so much and ate a healthier diet, they’d free up an immense amount of medical resources."

Drink, smoke, drugs, violence, bad diet, don't care attitude. Etc. Each time a negro in Chicago shot that is $400,000 taxpayers dollars to treat the victim lifetime.