Monday, July 19, 2021

Sports Illustrated Jumps on the Orthodox Uglification and Perversion Bandwagon, Featuring Ugly Trans-Fake and Non-White Females

By "W"
Mon, Jul 19, 2021 10:18 am

Ugly Trans-Fake and Non-White Females Featured by Sports Illustrated

"W": I doubt many of their best customers (White males) are going to rush out to buy these special issues:


Anonymous said...

jerry pdx
All I can say is that maybe this programming will succeed and men will starting deciding that ugly, masculine non white females are actually attractive and even men masquerading as women are suitable partners. Those of us that are resistant to the programming, such as readers of this column, will have more real, beautiful white females all to ourselves. You know, silver linings and such. See how reading NSU can pay off?

Anonymous said...

Honestly I was afraid to look. Trans and "persons" of color. I did look. Am not impressed.