Saturday, August 27, 2011

The Most Retarded Video You’re Likely to See Today


“Not Acceptable R-word PSA”


This was made by a group that calls itself, “Spread the Word to End the Word.” If we take them at their word, then we should all run around calling blacks “niggers” (the way they speak to each other), Hispanics “spics,” homosexuals “fags,” Jews “kikes,” and the retarded “retards” (the way they speak to each other).

What a bunch of niggers, spics, fags, kikes and retards!

The problem with these vidiots is that:

1. They’re totalitarian creeps;

1a. (Because it’s a part of (1)) Although one of their favorite clichés is, “Isn’t it ironic,” they never take their irony supplement;

1b. They take something that is a matter of obvious manners—not crudely insulting people for no good reason—and take the manners out of it. Now, if we show good manners, it is because we are their slaves;

1c. They invent an imaginary problem—evil, heterosexual whites, who are running around shouting these words at the poor “victim” groups, in order to oppress the first group, and thereby expand their power; and

1d. The group least likely to be running around shouting these insults at people are heterosexual whites.


Anonymous said...

Is our tax payer dollars supporting this propaganda against white heterosexual males? I am about ready to pull the cable. I was watching TV w/ my 10 year old white son and this bullshit comes on. Now it is personal.

Anonymous said...

They take something that is a matter of obvious manners—not crudely insulting people for no good reason—and take the manners out of it.

That is the left for you, the most mannerless group of whites who think they are morally superior to the rest of us.

Hollyweird, a enclave of cultural marxists, sexual predators, cutthroats, and pedophiles sermonizing to the rest of us.

Anonymous said...

White heterosexuals are the modern day nigger. The populace must be protected from us at all levels of decent society. We will be hounded out of existence. Imprisonment, exile, and execution await us even if we toe the mark.
Tim Wise has written our epitaph.

Incorrigible Truthseeker said...

Notice that some key names were left out like:


There's always a double standard involved where Whites get left out but at the same time they are the ones to promote the cause like the good slaves we are.