Friday, January 31, 2025

Time travel with me to 2014 news coverage

[“los angeles (ap) — what was once the world's largest solar power plant of its type appears headed for closure just 11 years after opening, under pressure from cheaper green energy sources. meanwhile, environmentalists continue to blame the mojave desert…”]

By Abolish Tenure
friday, january 31, 2025 at 7:04:00 p.m. est

Time travel with me to 2014 news coverage.

“The Ivanpah project is a shining example of how America is becoming a world leader in solar energy,” [The John Doe calling himself “Barack Obama’s”] U. S. Energy Secretary Ernest Moniz said during the dedication Thursday under warm skies in the Mojave Desert.

“As the president [“obama”] made clear in the State of the Union, we must continue to move toward a cleaner energy economy, and this project shows that building a clean energy economy creates jobs, curbs greenhouse gas emissions and fosters American innovation.”

Moniz used the occasion to promote “obama’s” ‘all-the-above’ energy strategy, which spreads DOE funding, through loan guarantees [“free money”] to all renewable energy sectors and to carbon footprint reducing technologies in traditional coal [!] and petroleum-based [!] power-generating systems.

powermag: [Moniz continues to blow hot air] “President obama and the Department of Energy [DOE] are committed to ensuring that all sources of energy are competitive in a carbon-constrained [?] economy,” he said. “This is why we have already invested [Clintonism, for “spent”] more than $6 billion in carbon capture and sequestration technologies and recently announced up to $8 billion in available loan guarantees [free money] for advanced fossil energy projects that lower emissions.”

and... President Barack ‘obama’ has mounted a second-term drive to combat climate change, proposing first-ever limits on carbon pollution from new and existing power plants. His plan aims to help move the U.S. from a coal-dependent past into a future fired by wind and solar power, nuclear energy [!] and natural gas [!].

Abolish Tenure: Sounds like a bait ‘n’ switch. “Oh, well, this one crapped out after 11 years but we have newer solar technology” just waiting for federal $$$, but it ain’t looking good for funding in 2025-2028. Which means it ain’t looking good for kickback contributions to democrat campaigns in 2028 either.

There’s been a big run of wind and solar projects here in Nowheresville. Waves of Texicans came here and stayed several months for each build.

Doing the work that the local meth heads won’t do, even if they had a chance to land any of the jobs. Now waiting for local versions of hurricane stories and hail stories. Surely unimaginable amounts of Biden bucks were being thrown at the projects.

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