Friday, January 31, 2025

See new video of terrorist, female mass murder, or the most incompetent chopper pilot in American military history

By Grand Rapids Anonymous
friday, january 31, 2025 at 12:10:00 p.m. est

See new video of either terrorist, female mass murder, or the most incompetent chopper pilot in American military history

New footage of the collision:


Melany Terranova

“Certainly looks intentional. Were all on board otherwise busy? No excuse. Retraining for all helicopter pilots for sure. Can't get over how the helicopter seems to make a beeline for the plane.”

N.S.: “Retraining for all helicopter pilots for sure.” Definitely. We must “invest” billions of taxpayer dollars teaching chopper pilots, “Do not commit mass murder.”

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Give a nutjob a rock,they'll hit you over the head.

Give a nutjob a helicopter,they'll blow your plane up.

(variation on the "teach a person to fish" axiom).