Monday, January 27, 2025

Local fox17 news going all-out, spearheaded by reconquista “reporter,” to thwart Trump and ice at grand rapids schools and churches

By Grand Rapids Anonymous
monday, january 27, 2025 at 6:18:00 p.m. est

Local fox17 going all-out to thwart Trump and ice at grand rapids schools and churches

(GRA) This same thing may be happening in your city—local media giving a lot of advice to illegal invaders on how they can avoid being taken in by ice—and one of my local stations is doing just that.

Fox 17 had four reporters on this assignment, but mex reporter/anchor, Samantha Mesa, took the school/church angle, listing strategies to foil ice.

“Families(illegal families)are concerned. But schools have policy in place.

"If ICE comes into a school,asking questions,they will be directed to an administrative office. The schools will not cooperate with requests to turn over individuals and information will not be given to immigration officials.

“the administrator will then call the legal department.”

Fox 17 played a clip of illinois governor Pritzker disagreeing with Trump, saying, “these immigrants [sic] are our friends” (more propaganda).

Mesa ended up by saying, “these people love America, everyone wants a better solution” (more freebies and more Whites to rob, rape, and kill).

Mesa’s good looking, but she needs ice to look at her statements, and the fcc should look at Fox 17 for totally giving one-sided “reporting” on what’s going on with the ice raids. There’s no doubt Mesa’s against it, but allowing that bias to interfere with her reporting, is 100% unprofessional. Fire her—and deport, if possible.


reconquista Fox17 “reporter,” Samantha Mesa (they’re fake, by the way, as determined by extensive, forensic investigation)


Anonymous said...

That's her--all three of her.


Anonymous said...

WOOD TV followed up with similar. I clicked the channel off in short order though. While I was perusing other tv news sites online,I noticed similar headlines. Looks like a concerted effort by the commies.