Sunday, January 26, 2025

As hoax-and-riot "bishop," lesbian Mariann Edgar Budde oversaw the removal of the Washington National Cathedral's stained-glass panes honoring confederate generals Robert E. Lee and Stonewall Jackson. in place of the old windows (donated in 1953 by the united daughters of the confederacy)...

By Prince George's County Ex-Pat
saturday, january 25, 2025 at 11:46:13 a.m. est

as bishop, Budde oversaw the removal of the Washington National Cathedral's stained-glass panes honoring confederate generals Robert E. Lee and Stonewall Jackson. in place of the old windows (donated in 1953 by the united daughters of the confederacy), ...


Now I know that I hate her.

Mariann Edgar Budde was born on december 10, 1959 [1] in summit, new jersey, [2] to a Swedish-American mother, Ann Björkman (1931–2024), and an American father, William Edgar. [3] [4] she grew up in the Flanders section of mount olive township, new jersey, attending west Morris mount olive high school, and also in colorado, following her parents' divorce.
"in october 2018, Budde presided over the interment service of Matthew Shepard at the National Cathedral.[23]
"in june 2020, amid the George Floyd protests [sic] in Washington, DC, Budde criticized the use of police and national guard troops to forcibly clear protestors [sic; they were rioters] from Lafayette square ahead of President Donald Trump's pose for a photo op [sic] in front of St. John's Church, enabling its use 'as a backdrop for a message antithetical to the teachings of Jesus.' [24][25][26][27]
"in august 2020, Budde offered the benediction at the closing of the second night of the 2020 democrat national convention.[28]"

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

'splain to me how she was booked to do the prayer service. Was it in joe biden's will?(Lawyers thought he was dead--he hadn't moved for hours,so the will was read). Then we see billie jean king's clone asking Trump for "mercy."

Someone screwed the pooch.


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