Wednesday, January 29, 2025

Stupid canadian who climbed up on a light pole, after philadelphia's win sunday, fell off said light pole, to remove himself from the planet

By Grand Rapids Anonymous
wednesday, january 29, 2025 at 6:54:00 p.m. est

Stupid canadian who climbed up on a light pole, after philadelphia's win sunday, fell off said light pole, to remove himself from the planet

"philadelphia (wpvi) -- an 18-year-old Temple university student died tuesday after he fell from a light pole during celebrations after the eagles nfc championship win over the weekend.

"Tyler Sabapathy was a first-year [English: freshman] student at Temple.

"'it is with deep sadness that we write to share news of the death of first-year student Tyler Sabapathy. over the weekend, Tyler sustained critical injuries and ultimately passed away this afternoon,' the university released in a statement tuesday night.

"'the loss of a promising 18-year-old man like Tyler is both tragic and traumatic. there are no words that can make sense of it, and the entire Temple community mourns his passing,' the statement continued. 'our hearts go out to Tyler's family, friends, classmates and all who knew and loved him.

"the tragedy happened sunday night at 15th and market streets in center city philadelphia.

"video shows the teen above on the street pole before he fell onto the concrete sidewalk flat on his back, hitting his head. [GRA: That'll do it.] "he was taken to Jefferson hospital with a brain injury and pronounced dead two days later.

"Sabapathy was a native of toronto, canada. he was majoring in exercise and sport science and was a member of the university's club gymnastics team."

GRA: Sport science 101: Don't do this.


N.S.: He might have been black. It's Temple, and the school referred to him as an "18-year-old man."


Anonymous said...

White on the outside,but black in his brains.


Longtime Reader (the original one) said...

Two points of interest:

1) The dead 18-year-old was invariably described in media reports as a “native of Toronto.” However, by his South Asian surname, he may have been an immigrant from India—or, at least, his parents were.

2) According Temple U. President John Fry, in his open letter to the school community, Sabapathy “was fascinated by injury prevention.” Not enough,

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