Friday, August 23, 2024

Charles Hamilton is the face of today’s worthless army: a racist, corrupt, pathological liar who wouldn’t have made it to corporal, much less four-star general without black racial privilege, yet who insists he’s fighting AGAINST “racism”; meanwhile, the army had covered up his crimes and misconduct

By Prince George’s County Ex-Pat

“A four-star general who was suspended after allegedly putting his hands on the scales concerning the promotion of a favored [black!] subordinate is now demanding his command be returned to him, claiming there is racism in these military processes.”

“Suspended 4-Star US Army General Demands Job Back: ‘I Have Been Brutally Honest’”

Another black with a government job?


“suspended army 4-star asks for command back after pressuring panel to prop up career of unfit subordinate


“Gen. Charles Hamilton, who was the head of U.S. army material command before his march 22 suspension, is now asking [sic; he's demanding] to have his command reinstated.

“Hamilton was originally suspended after pulling strings in promotion boards for the benefit of a black female lieutenant colonel, an intervention he claims was necessary to ensure fairness in supposedly racist military processes.”, which broke the story, and brought about Hamilton’s suspension: ‘furthermore, given the paucity of black general officers, there’s little history of their firings.’”

But that’s nonsense.

“black officers historically have been underrepresented in the pentagon’s most senior ranks. [More nonsense.] however, representation has seen progress in recent years. the army has eight four-star positions, three of which were held by black officers until Hamilton’s suspension, when another officer, who is White, took on his role in an acting capacity.”

Since when did three out of eight (37.5%) become “paucity”?

Besides, even if 13.6% of top officers were black, blacks’ proportion of the population, blacks would still be wildly overrepresented, since no blacks are qualified or fit to be colonels or generals.

One black general is one too many. Colin Powell only made it to one star, thanks to affirmative action, yet his career still stalled, due to his incompetence, but President Reagan politically adopted him.

And although Powell owed everything to the republican party, he made a point of constantly stabbing it in the back.


Anonymous said...

Oh,he was poking that.Quid pro negro quo.


Anonymous said...

It certainly has been refreshing to have an election season without the background noise about Colin Powell and (whew!) thankfully the buzzlet about Dim Tim Dread Scott went away. As for General Charles, he's being fitted for a UN blue helmet but there's one problem, his head is too big.