Tuesday, February 27, 2024

What is “America’s” core problem?

Anonymous: “It is complicated because of black worship. “Religion creates taboos, and taboos complicate everything. “Reason wilts before reverence. “
N.S.: I don’t see it like that. As soon as The War ended, and our boys had saved the world, America’s ruling class launched a class war against the White working class. With time, it expanded said war to the middle class, and then transformed it into a race war. They’ve since graduated to the White Genocide Project, and have joined forces with the ruling classes of all western countries, and international organizations like the un, wef, the fulbright foundation, “volags,”* etc.

There was a self-styled “patriotic” group which could have stopped this, but it instead became an accessory. It is known as the republican party.

*“volags”: voluntary (private) agencies, in this case the racist, treasonous, organizational profiteers which have gotten rich importing criminals and primitives into American communities, which they then destroyed.

Church World Service (CWS) (religious)

Episcopal Migration Ministries (EMM) (religious)

Ethiopian Community Development Council (ECDC)

Hebrew Immigrant Aid Society (HIAS) (religious)

International Rescue Committee (IRC)

Lutheran Immigration and Refugee Services (LIRS) (religious)

U.S. Committee for Refugees and Immigrants (USCRI)

United States Conference of Catholic Bishops (USCCB) (religious)

World Relief Corporation (WR) (religious)


Anonymous said...

A lot of groups(which have Whites as members)include pols and ceos against us--plus the fact that we aren't united--which is another dagger in our collective physiques.


Anonymous said...

Here's a problem.Game shows intentionally jam their shows full of queers,trannies and nigs.

On "Jeopardy" tonight,the three people were a trannie,a queer priest(not Catholic,I hope)and an Asian of unknown strangeness.

"Let's Make a Deal" and "Price is Right" trot out more circus freak types than normal folks(straight,White).

"Say hello to someone?"Drew Carey asks a male as he spins "The wheel".

"Hello to my husband,"says the guy who walks,talks and claps like a homo.Contestants,I've heard,are interviewed before they're told to "Come on down."blacks and queers are pushed to the front of the line,I'm pretty sure.

"80% of abc's "$100,000 Pyramid's" contestants are queer(my estimate)or black.

The shows--if they wanted to--could choose 65% hetero,White men and women,which would be a better representation of what's normal and give the country a better feeling that not everyone is a weirdo.

If they aren't gender nutcases,the shows choose blackies.Yesterday,three blacks spun the wheel on "TPIR".The game show industry's bias is definitely against straight, White people.

And there's no reason for it.I won't accept this game show illusion as normal,because what they're trying to portray is fake--the country is not full of gays and blacks--no matter HOW MANY they force us to watch.


Anonymous said...

"'volags': voluntary (private) agencies, in this case the racist, treasonous, organizational profiteers which have gotten rich importing criminals and primitives into American communities

Staff of those organization usually paid very well with generous pensions or retirement of some sort.