Tuesday, February 27, 2024

Game show producers’ globohomo/black supremacist mischief

By Grand Rapids Anonymous
tuesday, february 27, 2024 at 8:27:00 p.m. est

Here’s a problem. Game shows intentionally jam their shows full of queers, trannies, and nigs.

On jeopardy tonight, the three people were a trannie, a queer priest (not Catholic, I hope), and an asian of unknown strangeness.

let’s make a deal and the price is right trot out more circus freak types than normal folks (straight, White).

“Say hello to someone?” Drew Carey asks a male, as he spins “The wheel.”

“Hello to my husband,” says the guy who walks, talks, and claps like a homo. Contestants, I’ve heard, are interviewed before they’re told to “Come on down.” blacks and queers are pushed to the front of the line, I’m pretty sure.

“80% of abc's $100,000 pyramid’s contestants are queer or black (my estimate).

The shows—if they wanted to—could choose 65% hetero, White men and women, which would be a better representation of what’s normal and give the country a better feeling that not everyone is a weirdo.

If they aren’t “gender” nutcases, the shows choose blackies. Yesterday, three blacks spun the wheel on tpir. The game show industry’s bias is definitely against straight, White people.

And there’s no reason for it. I won’t accept this game show illusion as normal, because what they’re trying to portray is fake—the country is not full of gays and blacks—no matter HOW MANY they force us to watch.


N.S.: Around ten years ago, a poll claimed that Americans believed that the country was one-third black, when the real number was around 12% (it’s now allegedly 13.6%; in 1960, it was 10%, and in new york city in 1950, it was only 6.25%--500,000 out of eight million). The inflated number of people’s belief was due to tv jamming so many blacks in their faces. Note, too, that about 30 years ago, black supremacists didn’t like the Nielsen numbers for black tv viewers, and so they screamed “racism!,” and demanded and got the Nielsen company to fake their numbers by inflating them.

Similarly circa 1990, militant homosexualists promoted the sexual fairy tale, whereby male homosexuals constituted 10% of the population, when the real number was about 2.5%. At the same time, they and their allies, like Anthony Fauci, were promoting the myth of heterosexual aids.

Clearly, game show producers are in league with black and queer supremacists.


Anonymous said...

jerry pdx
Night before on Wheel of Fortune they had 2 negro contestants and 1 elderly White lady. Older people tend to struggle a bit more than younger ones so I thought it was almost a setup to make sure a black contestant won. She did lose but was a good player, black guy in the middle had a couple lucky breaks and won. Seems like the percentage of straight White contestants has gone down a bit more the last year or so when they jacked the percentage of negroes up to a third.

I saw Jeopardy tonight also and I remember that dude who wears a wig and calls himself Hannah from before. Tonight he slipped in that he was a "wife" so either he's a straight guy who likes to play dress up or his wife is another dude who likes to play dress up also. Then he's a gay guy with a dress.

Either way, I remember his run from before and he is a very good Jeopardy player so he isn't a pure diversity contestant. Lost tonight to the priest though.

Anonymous said...

No doubt the schizophreniac has a good memory for facts,but allowing mentally ill people to have a platform which seeks to normalize their condition in the eyes of a nationwide audience should be verboden.He and the other trannie("Amy" Schneider)are nutjob men,prancing around in dresses.It shouldn't be promoted,but is,while what SHOULD be promoted--heterosexual relationships --are basically banned from these shows.

Throw in the near subliminal convo that inevitably comes out--about these deviants wanting to adopt--and you have a propaganda show disguised as a game show.


Anonymous said...

This is refreshing. Check out the audience here on the Bob Barker version, 24/7 stream. Dressed casually but decently, not trashily. No freaky stuff. Men are men, women and women. Just wholesome middle America types, even the Californians. Yes, obviously some effort to have at least one Contestant Of Color involved, but not in an in-your-face kind of way. You'd be okay with having them as next-door neighbors.


Anonymous said...

"The inflated number of people’s belief was due to tv jamming so many blacks in their faces"

Now mixing the species highly promoted. The white woman with the black man. Or the white man with the Oriental woman.

Anonymous said...

There are more white men with black women & mulatto women, then Asian women, why can't you see that. Like the white man & black woman in bed with the white man vicks honey cold medicine. he commercial Why do you only notice black men with white women. At least mention white men & black & mixed black women. Really watch these commercials without bias.there are more black women & white men pairings because white woman & black men commercials are more disturbing to white men.S

Nicholas said...

Thursday, February 29, 2024 at 12:03:00 AM EST

Don't be ridic.

Anonymous said...

I was checking out YouTube and in 2012,on the new,Wayne Brady LMAD,Monty Hall made a week's worth of appearances(he was still great at 85) and the audience's were surprisingly 90% White.
Now?It's 50/50 and there's no doubt about who the show wants as contestants

Anonymous said...

HiThats what i say to you white or Jewish men who complain about BM/WM you're ridic,i wish Halle Berry husband eric Benet had did to adrian brody, what Wil Smith did to Chris Rock.You can't pretend no more that BM/WW or the dominate interracial coupling.And im not for or against interracial relationships I just hope people are seeing these white & Jewish men all over tv & motion pictures especialy white females.