Monday, February 26, 2024

breaking: 3 busted after manhunt in diversity shooting murder of straphanger on nyc subway

By N.S.

"breaking: 3 busted after manhunt in senseless [!] shooting death of straphanger on nyc subway

"Justin Herde, 24, Betty Cotto, 38, and Alfredo Trinidad, 42, got into a fight with William Alvarez, 45, when one of them shot him onboard a southbound D train as..."

English version: Justin Herde, 24, Betty Cotto, 38, and Alfredo Trinidad, 42, attacked and murdered William Alvarez, 45, onboard a southbound D train.

Postscript, tuesday, february 27, 2024, at 12:25 a.m., N.S. (the Gauleiter let me post this time): E-mail teaser: “Justin Herde, 24, Betty Cotto, 38, and Alfredo Trinidad, 42, got into a fight with William Alvarez, 45, when one of them shot him onboard a southbound D train as…”

What “fight”? There was no fight. This is the post engaging in its usual moral equivalence, just like the nycpd. The perps got on an empty train, one of them sat right next to the targeted vic, and they battered, gut-shot, and murdered him. As another post reader argued, this was murder one, pure and simple, but the black supremacist bronx da Darcel Clark will get them indicted for murder two or manslaughter, because of her racism. If the killer were White, it would be murder one and a hate crime, but this is new york.

VincenzoPentangeli undefined
14 hours ago

“Mayor Adams says NYC is much safer. What he didn’t explain is that it is much safer for the criminals to pull a pistol a shoot someone. Yes, safer for criminals.”

Fred Funkhauser

10 hours ago
“It’s also safer when surrounded by security 24/7. Adam’s is pathetic”

Thurston Howell III
8 hours ago

“From the pictures of this garbage there were alot of empty seats so they were looking for trouble by sitting next him, it was planned and its first degree murder they walked on that train with bad intentions, Mr Alvarez should be alive today. I guarantee they jumped the turnstile as well.”


Anonymous said...

Subways and buses appear to be quite the gamble in nyc,with no reward for the risk.
Someone should start a bus line for Whites only.

Anonymous said...

An almost empty train car and someone comes up to you and sits right down next to you it is reasonable to assume that person is up to no good!

Anonymous said...

You ever notice how the crime is down played when’s it’s committed by a darkie savage?