Monday, November 04, 2019

Remember When Ted Kennedy Rented Entire Brothel in Chile?

By "W"
Sat, Nov 2, 2019 4:14 p.m.

Ted Kennedy rented entire brothel in Chile - Telegraph


Anonymous said...

He had a BIG appetite.Besides,it probably took 5 to 10 hookers to carry the 300 lb Teddy to the bedroom.Others needed to pull his pants off.5 to 10 more to help him out of the hot tub.He probably wanted something to eat--another large contingent of cooks needed--just rent the entire bordello.


Anonymous said...

Kennedy boys all three of them just about the worst immoral folks ever. I have often thought if ever there was a famblee worse than the Kennedy famblee and did more damage to the USA I cannot think of what famblee that would be.

Anonymous said...

Ted Kennedy was a drunken pig and should have been jailed for manslaughter or worse. Try killing someone by drunken driving and leaving the scene and see what happens to you--but not a holy Kennedy! There is evidence that the girl was still alive in a bubble of trapped air and if he had promptly called authorities she might have been saved. But this piece of crap was more concerned with his lust for political power than for this girl's life.
Furthermore, the Kennedy immigration bill--which he lied about and said it would not change demographics--is destroying this country. The overwhelming majority of the third world leftists this bill allows into our country vote for socialist Democrats. These immigrants care nothing about individual liberty--they care only about what they can get from the government.
In a just world, Ted Kennedy should have died in the car accident and the girl lived.

Anonymous said...

Any wonder why Teddy decided not to be Prez, disappointing all the Kennedy cultists?