Monday, November 04, 2019

Oklahoma City Police Undertake Putsch, Suspend First Amendment Under Enabling Law

By A Texas Reader
Mon, Nov 4, 2019 8:09 p.m.

Oklahoma City Police Investigating "It's okay to be white" Fliers as Potential Hate Crime

Oklahoma City Police Investigating "It's Okay to be White Fliers" as Potential Hate Crime

Police in Oklahoma City are investigating "It's okay to be white" fliers that were posted at the Oklahoma City University School of Law as a potential hate crime.


Anonymous said...

So,a sign that reads,"It's NOT okay to be white"--THAT one can be put up?How about posters of white politicians running for office?Mugshots of blacks,wanted posters?Yes or no--and for how long,before the ACLU files lawsuits against that practice?"Negro Nightly News" has a policy of at least one white criminal(and mugshot)a day--usually involved in a "hateful" crime against non-whites.Some might even be true--with NBC,you just don't know.Blacks get a token,one criminal mention every two months--the last one was September,showing black jewelry store robbers(nothing violent that,Samuel Little made a brief appearance in August--with his artwork.One day,Lesta Holt might even say,"Set him free--so he can find some more subjects to paint.These drawings are very creative--a man of his talent should not be behind bars.I'm behind you Mr.Little.We shall overcome."

Anonymous said...

How could "it is OK to be white" ever be interpreted as a hate crime.