Thursday, May 09, 2013

NBC “Reporter” Jeff Rossen Turns Ariel Castro Story Upside Down


Above and below, two different pre-abduction photographs of Michelle Knight

New mug shot of Ariel Castro

By Nicholas Stix

NBC News’ Jeff Rossen should be working for the White House propaganda operation.

About 8:48 a.m. today, Rossen was reporting from the street in front of the Cleveland courthouse where serial kidnapping-rape-sex slavery-murder Ariel Castro was then having his arraignment and bail hearing. Today Show host Matt Lauer was talking to Rossen from New York.

Lauer: “Is there interest in the community, did people show up for the arraignment?”

Rosen replies that there is “great interest.”

The camera has Rossen tightly framed on the sidewalk, but still there is no sound, and there are no nearby bodies suggesting “community interest.” The courtroom was empty of spectators, but that could have been on the judge’s orders.

A minute or two later, CNN gives a wide-lens shot of the front of the courthouse. The area is empty, except for the occasional person entering or leaving.

Thus, Jeff Rossen lied. The answer to Matt Lauer’s question is that there was no community interest whatsoever. Had there been any community interest, Rossen would have had a crowd, and been interviewing people on the sidewalk. Lauer did not ask him, “Jeff, do you think people from the community are sitting at home, watching thin on their living room couches?”

But Rossen wasn’t done. He spoke of Castro “forcing her [Michelle Knight] to have abortions.”

Ariel Castro didn’t “forc[e] [Michelle Knight] to have abortions.” He didn’t take her to an abortion mill, or bring an abortionist to her. He is alleged to have committed premeditated murder five times, by punching Knight in the stomach each time with such force as to cause her to miscarry each child. Rossen is so politically corrupt by his obedience to feminists—who dishonestly claim to care so much about females—that he turned a story of serial murder into an abortion story.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

How is he politically corrupt by being pro feminist. We should all be pro feminist. Perhaps you are corrupt because you think legalized abortion is murder.

Your article isn't really focused. The real question to ask is whether the entire story is a media fabricated myth to give the anti-abortion movement a boost and to step up police powers by the Capitalist/Imperialist Obama administration.