War crime victims Channon Christian and Christopher Newsom

A Knox County mug shot of war crime defendant George Thomas
By David in TN
[Editor’s note: The style of this blog item is different than those usually carrying the signature “David in TN,” because it is based on telephone conversations we had, additional materials David sent me, tweets from Jamie Satterfield, and some of my own observations, so the style is a bit uneven.]
This is the ninth trial for the same set of crimes that Hugh and Mary Newsom, and Gary and Deanna Christian will be attending, for a total of five defendants, each of whom has been tried separately.
For the retrial of accused murderer George Thomas, Judge Walter Kurtz is, like disgraced, convicted, and disbarred Judge Richard Baumgartner, conducting jury selection in demographically inappropriate, Davidson County, specifically in “Nashvegas” (Tennessee slang for Nashville.) Davidson County is much blacker than Knox County. More black jurors mean less chance of a fair jury.
(Judge Kurtz had imposed a gag order on the attorneys, as to where jury selection would take place, prior to it beginning on Thursday. He told the media as a courtesy, ordering them not to reveal the location, prior to Thursday, but they violated his order.)
Judge Walter Kurtz is going beyond the jurist I called Judge Mischief: He is following the formula for an O.J. Simpson-style jury, by systematically excusing every juror who shows signs of intelligence or human feeling. Educated? You’re gone. Ever heard of this case? You’re excused. Think you might be upset by seeing pictures of tortured, mutilated victims’ bodies? You’re excused. Have a responsible job? You’re excused. Have child-care responsibilities? You’re excused. Conversely, don’t have a job, or have one with no serious responsibilities, and no child-care responsibilities? You’re in. Don’t follow the news at all? You’re in. Enjoy taking a trip on the taxpayer’s dollar, and spending a lot of it? You’re in.
Any adult living in the Volunteer State since January 6, 2007, who has never heard of this case is of such low intelligence, as to be disqualified from getting the death penalty, no matter how many people he murders. And as for someone who can honestly say that nothing that may come up in the trial is so gruesome as to be able to perturb him…
Judge Kurtz may not be consciously seeking to exclude white jurors, but that is the unavoidable result of his practice.
Although 480 potential jurors were summoned, only 117 showed. That’s what happens when you go out of your way to summon blacks for jury duty. They have less sense of public duty than whites, and much less desire to serve on a jury panel, where a black defendant’s liberty is at stake… unless, that is, they seek to sabotage the trial.
Knoxville News-Sentinel reporter Jamie Satterfield tweeted yesterday from court:
1st up is Carson-Newman grad who has heard about case and via Facebook learned this is Thomas' 2nd trial(Yup. Nobody tweets like Jamie Satterfield. She’s turned a vulgar little practice into a minor art form.)
[N.S.: Carson-Newman is a Tennessee college that was founded by Southern Baptists, has 5,000 students, and is over 80 percent white, unlike Overpriced Private Universities, which seek to admit as few whites as possible, so that the rich whites and non-whites can gwt together to cut the other whites out of … everything.]
She's excused from pool
Chick who saw documentary on case says she thinks Thomas is guilty. She's out
Domestic violence victim who worries she cant be fair is kicked out of pool
Father whose teen son killed himself says trial would be too painful for him. He's excused
Lady who heard about Baumgartner's legal issues makes the cut after saying she'd be objective [Does that mean she's black?]
Dude who works as a jailer stays in the pool [He's got to be black; how could a jailer anywhere in Tennessee not have heard about this case?]
Ok so we had 8 peeps bounced for cause - that means they had some sort of reason couldn't be impartial; 37 won hardship dismissal
Could someone come write this story for me cause I'm officially brain dead from this exhausting and boring process?
Satterfield said that leaves 67 for tomorrow, so there were another five who were let go or bounced, for one reason or another.
However, that only 117 showed up might, and I mean might make the panel better than it could have been.
The defense claims that Thomas was afraid of the others, but he doesn’t look convincing as being scared. He looks mean and tough. And he’s big, and prone to scowling. [Thomas has no known history of violence, but we’re talking appearances here.]
He claims on the one hand that he was afraid of the others, and on the other that he was stoned in the corner. He looks like he’d wake up if a mouse squeaked, let alone a person screaming in agony from being gang-raped, sexually tortured, and obscenely beaten.
The defense is not convincing.
Thomas doesn’t look all that sympathetic.
The judges always think white people can’t be fair.
The judge asked white people if they’ve heard of the case in the news or something, then he knocks them off. It’s not conscious, but it works out that way.
That’s what happened with the O.J. Simpson case.
Judges tie Lady Justice’s hands these days with all manner of encumbrances that are meant to be “fair” to minorities, but instead subvert the criminal justice system. Without a reliable, fair, jury system, you can’t have a functioning criminal justice system.
For the best account of jury selection for the O.J. Simpson criminal trial, I recommend Chapter 10 of Jeffrey Toobin's book, "The Run of His Life."
Judge Lance Ito was carried away by the situation and told prospective jurors "I've never seen anything like this case." He called 900 prospective jurors.
These people were 28% black, 38% white, with the rest Asian, hispanic, and "others." In all, they were a well educated group.
However, "The hardship process had acted like a vacuum cleaner for educated, white, and male jurors." And "A little less than one third of the original pool of nine hundred consisted of African-Americans. In the group that remained after the questionnaire stage, their number jumped to about one half."
It continued with Ito knocking jurors off if they read the newspapers and followed the news in general.
By the way, Judge Kurtz also had prospective jurors for the Thomas retrial fill out a questionnaire.
David In TN
Hearing of the OJ case disqualifies you as a juror????
You would have to had been living in a cave with no human contact whatsoever to have not heard of the case.
I would suggest the people living in the region where the Knoxville murders occured would be as aware of this case as people nationwide were aware of the OJ case.
Only people willing to lie and claim they know nothing of the case are accepted as jurors. So consciously or unconsciously the judge is filling the juror box with dishonest people. If they are black then they will be dishonest blacks looking for any reason to excuse these murderers, and the defense will give it to them. Jerry
My May 10, 2013 comment is relevant this week concerning the 20th anniversary of the Simpson murders. Ito bumped off educated people and those who followed the news.
The result was Lon Cryer.
David In TN
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