Racism, Sexism, Iron and Irony at Northwestern University
By Nicholas Stix
I posted the following comment to the article below:
Let's see. A heterosexual, white male who is devoted to discriminating against, disenfranchising, dispossessing and destroying heterosexual, white males sought a job in which he would have been empowered and tasked to do just that, but was discriminated against, because he's a heterosexual, white male? And people on this thread are defending him, arguing that he should have gotten the job, because he was the most qualified to oppress heterosexual, white males? You guys must be card-carrying, broken-glass Republicans! Take your irony supplement, folks!
The best comment I saw follows:
o Butch Fernandez · FollowFollowing · Top Commenter
Yeah, let's even the score. The Cubs should be allowed to win the World series a few times whether they "earn" the right or not. So you say this is comparing apples to oranges. Really--is not the NW student government not rejecting all apples because they only want an orange?
By Timothy Dionisopoulos, on May 17, 2013
A student's bid to become associate vice president of diversity and inclusion at Northwestern University was derailed last Wednesday over accusations that his status as a white heterosexual male would make it impossible for him to perform the position's duties.
Stephen Piotrkowski was apparently denied a position on Northwestern's student government because he is a "heterosexual white male."
The Wednesday hearing began with student senator Jesse Seitz reportedly asking the nominee, Stephen Piotrkowski, how he could possibly interact and serve a minority community as a white male.
Piotrkowski reportedly attempted to appeal to the Student Senate on the grounds that he identifies as a religious minority and has a lesbian sister, but it was to no avail.
After about thirty more minutes of questioning, the Senate voted to block Piotrkowski's appointment.
Ian Coley, a student on the Associate Student Government Diversity and Inclusion Committee, later said white heterosexual males are not qualified to hold the position of associate vice president of diversity and inclusion.
"This university is not ready, in any capacity, for a heterosexual white male to be in charge in any way of diversity and inclusion," said Coley, according to the Daily Northwestern.
"I don't know if any university is," he reportedly added.
However, Hayley Stevens, the outgoing associate vice president of diversity and inclusion told the Daily Northwestern she supported Piotrkowski's nomination, adding, "he was our best candidate."
An online post also indicates that Piotrkowski previously served as a member of the Northwestern Inclusion Task Force, a body created in 2012 to help advocate for diversity on campus.
Alan Cubbage, Vice President for University Relations, told Campus Reform on Wednesday the administration does not directly comment on decisions made by the SGA.
Northwestern University administrators involved in the student government process and incoming student government President Ani Ajith also did not respond to requests for comment.
Follow the author of this article on Twitter: @TimPDion
The best comment of the day I saw was in the Boston Herald on Liz Warren; the commenter translated Warren speak for all. Liz Warren, "And so I said to the President, BHO, come on, one liar to another liar". I laugh heartily. Thanks.
You know, what exactly is the point of spending $50K/yr at NW? If you are NOT getting a STEM degree in which you can actually do something productive, what exactly does this expense entitle you to do? I know of one PolSci grad there, paid for with a Bill Gates scholarship, who is now working at an insurance company. Did the BA degree make them employable at an insurance company? No. Did it teach them critical thinking? Who knows. America is just pissing money away on useless education just so people can obtain a talisman entitling them to a paper pushing JOB.
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