The Boy Scout Oath
On my honor, I will do my best;
To do my duty to God and my Country and to obey the Scout Law;
To help other people at all times;
To keep myself physically strong, mentally awake, and morally straight.
Updated Version:
On my honor, I will do my best;
To do my duty
To help [members of protected classes, like my openly gay scoutmaster]
To keep myself physically strong
Possible New Boy Scouts of America Symbols

This past Sunday, our pastor brought up an interesting question about this subject. Some churches host Boy Scout troops. Since God's word condemns homosexuality, how can these churches continue to support the Boy Scouts? No doubt some churches will probably continue to do so. However, my pastor had a report from one pastor whose church is immediately ending its association with the Scouts.
You know what’s in store for scouting. As with every other institution where homosexuals claimed to want only “tolerance,” they will now take over. Christians are going to have to reinvent scouting within a new organization.
It’s a shame in so many ways. Beyond the most obvious one, that it was a wonderful organization, it also allowed for a mild, “civic religion” (Catholics, Protestants, Jews) Christianity that was open to boys of all faiths. But that won't work anymore. Just as black supremacy destroyed the bland, “color-blind” white racial tolerance, by imposing Jim Snow on any whites who tolerated them and wished then well, forcing a choice between a militant pro-white position and submission, homosexuals have forced the choice between militant Christianity and submission.
I'm trying to remember the name correctly, I think it was/is "The Man Boy Love Association of America".
The problem with liberals is their insistence of their rights at the expense of non-liberal, whites rights.
If I ever saw a gay or pedophile with his dick up my son or daughters ass, a knife is pulled and the salami is sliced off, and then fed to the dog.
Moral of my story, do your perversion to your own, touch mine and you pay the price, no liberal judges, no forgiveness by the courts, just swift, good old Biblical justice with an permanent cure to their problem. Thanks.
What makes you think most churches care about that anymore? In reality, most "churches" these days are in the tank for LGBTQMIAPDLOLPLPLTH. If not totally in the tank, then too scared to denounce it.
When I was young I thought homos should be let out of the closet without suffering physical abuse. However,after homos were let out of the closet, they obviously translated being let out of the closet with being let out of the cage.
Today, every so often I hear homos demanding that republicans, that be non-liberal whites, get out of their, homo bedrooms. However, truth be told, republicans are not in homo bedrooms, but rather, homos claim the public venue as their bedroom.
Perhaps the reason homos were not tolerated in the days of yore was, quite simply their immature mind and therefore subsequent immature behavior of "Me at your expense".
I could almost sympathize with the plight of a homo. A male giving oral sex or getting anal sex must be very demoralizing. However, that is not my cross to bear, so mature up and keep your personal problem to you and yours.
Liberalism is the failure to mature. Thank you.
Queer Scout troops?
Off topic: Could you help to publicize John Barrow's H.R. 2124?
A Democrat (in the House) is proposing enforcement-only legislation. This is significant.
Understood. In so many words, my pastor made the same point you did when he brought up this subject on Sunday.
However, at least one major denomination, the Southern Baptists, is planning to cut its ties with the BSA.
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