[Previously, at WEJB/NSU:
“Olivia Sprauer: Too Hot to Teach High School English?”]

By Nicholas Stix
In a May 7 puff piece, Olivia Sprauer didn’t level with the AOL-Huffington Post’s Simon McCormack, and he didn’t level with his readers. McCormack used the most modest picture of Sprauer’s portfolio, in order to make her principal, who had fired her, look like some sort of Victorian. The portfolio, however, leaves no doubt that Sprauer’s “modeling” was entirely improper for a schoolmarm.

Two other matters also raise serious questions about Sprauer’s fitness to teach. Her shape is not her own. It’s one thing for a school teacher to get a boob job, as a private matter between her and her lover, and an entirely different matter to be getting a boob job, in order to be portrayed in “modeling” photographs for the whole world to see. The other matter is her claim that she does “glamour style photography.” “Glamour” photography is a British tabloid euphemism for porno modeling.

Thus, Sprauer’s boss was obligated to let her go, or endure a scandal.

I'd prefer her without the boob job.
Her "modeling" doesn't have anything to do with her "fitness" to teach. However, it certainly could be a distraction to young males tittilated knowing their teacher has been posing for "soft porn", the internet puts this material in their hands, right in the classroom, with the touch of a button and they will be looking at it. Girls who look up to their teacher could be encouraged to believe it's OK to pose semi nude, I'm not saying it's "wrong" but I'd rather not have my daughter thinking about those things until she gets older and has a more mature outlook to make a decision. One could argue also that this could contribute to body issues for young girls, most of whom, do not have a body like this woman and never will. Jerry
Perhaps she was fired because she thought more of her own posterior than the collective's posterity.
Yeah, but at least she didn't blow a black kid from Cedar Hill, Texas. http://crimeblog.dallasnews.com/2013/05/cedar-hill-isd-teacher-arrested-on-allegations-she-had-sexual-relationships-with-students.html/
Demographics of Cedar Hill, Texas: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Cedar_Hill,_Texas
The Cedar Hill school was named after Bessie Coleman. http://bessiecoleman.tx.chm.schoolinsites.com/
So, the Floridian's "modeling" is small potatoes to me.
She's not showing it off in class. Its no different than going to the beach and seeing skimpy swimsuits. Boys would act the same if she was in a sweatshirt. Oh, and one last thing. Thank you anonymous, nobody like halfbreed children. Stay with your own race.
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