Sunday, April 03, 2022

Ohio 9th district state court of appeals upholds record defamation judgement against oberlin college

By Merlin
Sat, Apr 2, 2022 6:35 p.m.

Ohio 9th district state court of appeals upholds record defamation judgement against oberlin college

O"Berlin" is a fitting name for a college full of cultural Nazis. 

Appeals Court Upholds Gibson's Bakery Massive Verdict Against Oberlin College (   

The judgement is probably comparable to Jussie Smollet's customary monthly valet parking and shoeshine tip change to a small village of un-reparated Negro descendants of runaway slaves;.........when looked at in juxtaposition to Oberlin's massive total endowment.

N.S.: Could this put Oberlin out of business? Now, that would set a precedent! Be still, my heart!


Boils said...

Pray Oberlin closes….It is nothing but a lefty finishing school.

Anonymous said...

The school probably has insurance to pay for civil suits and settlements.

Oberlin as radical and leftist as they come. Founded by abolitionists to promote the Underground Railroad?

Now the school will not pay and the whole thing starts over to sue Oberlin to pay. They must have some graduates with very deep pockets.

eahilf said...

>The school probably has insurance to pay for civil suits and settlements.

I seriously doubt any such policy, if it even exists, covers damages, especially punitive damages, incurred when the school and/or its employees have been found to be at fault in a trial -- what company would sell such a policy? -- 'Sure, hire all the idiots you want! If their behavior (not covered by any job description) results in tens of millions in liability, we'll pay!'

Oberlin/Assets Under Management -- Total endowed funds as of June 30, 2020 were $937.0 million, as compared to $925.0 million the previous year, an increase of $12.0 million.

Oberlin can afford the judgment -- they will pay.

Anonymous said...

"I seriously doubt any such policy, if it even exists, covers damages, especially punitive damages, incurred when the school and/or its employees have been found to be at fault in a trial -- what company would sell such a policy? "

Chicago for one has insurance against civil suits for cop related offenses. So many court civil cases went against the city the insurance finally told the city to clean up fast or they won't pay court costs anymore.