Tuesday, July 13, 2021

Bill de Blasio's Boys: Masked Gunmen Open Fire in NYC, Wounding Four

-----Original Message-----
From: New York Post <email@nypost.com>
To: add1dda@aol.com
Sent: Mon, Jul 12, 2021 10:44 p.m.

Breaking: Masked Gunmen Open Fire in NYC

New York Post - News Alerts
The group of three gunmen donned black masks when they hopped out of a BMW sedan and opened fire...
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Trio of masked gunmen injure four in yet another NYC shooting
The group of three gunmen donned black masks when they hopped out of a BMW sedan and opened fire...
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Anonymous said...

"Be on the look out for three black thugs,out of hundreds of thousands,between the ages of 13 and 75 and height ranging from 5 to 7 foot tall.Some are described as having shaved heads,while others have an Afro so vertical--it's as if a nuke bomb went off on their skulls.Many are in between those parameters.

They are reported to be driving a stolen vehicle of any make,model or year and are carrying knives,guns,semi-automatic weapons and grenades.

If you see these individuals,please do not report it to the police or YOU will be arrested for making a racially insensitive phone call(only applies to Whites,blacks--we know,will not call anyways)and will be arrested.

Thank you.
The NYPD,in conjunction with the mayor's office.

Anonymous said...

Take two:
"Be on the look out for three black thugs,out of hundreds of thousands,between the ages of 13 and 75 and height ranging from 5 to 7 foot tall.Some are described as having shaved heads,while others have an Afro so vertical--it's as if a nuke bomb went off on their skulls.Many are in between those parameters.

They are reported to be driving a stolen vehicle of any make,model or year and are carrying knives,guns,semi-automatic weapons and grenades.

If you see these individuals,please do not report it to the police or you will be arrested for making a racially insensitive phone call(only applies to Whites,blacks--we all know,will not call anyways).We repeat,YOU will be the one arrested.

Thank you.
The NYPD,in conjunction with the mayor's office.