Tuesday, September 29, 2020

black Actor Alex Désert Replaces Repentant White Man Hank Azaria as the Voice of Carl on The Simpsons

By R.C.
Mon, Sep 28, 2020 3:09 p.m.

black Actor Alex Désert Replaces Hank Azaria as the Voice of Carl on The Simpsons https://www.yahoo.com/entertainment/black-actor-alex-desert-replaces-hank-azaria-on-the-simpsons-as-the-voice-of-carl-070604491.html?soc_src=social-sh&soc_trk=ma

R.C.: Why not have Michelle Obama voice it instead?



Anonymous said...

Why not just have black "Simpsons"?black Bugs Bunny("yo,whazzup doc-TOR?")black Popeye("spinach--hell--I need some CRACK.")

Anonymous said...

jerry pdx
Why doesn't the media just have a 24 hr. Ted Bundy news network? MSM just can't get enough of Teddy boy, I spotted an article on the Firefox news page that featured "Ted's only living victim" https://www.rollingstone.com/culture/culture-features/ted-bundy-kathy-kleiner-living-victim-serial-killer-784780/
It was taken from that Rolling Stone article from last year and if you think those PC zealots will ever run an article on Samuel Little or any other black serial killer, you've got another think coming. I did a little internet search and discovered that ABC, CBS, Reddit and various other news outlets picked up on it and ran the article also, with some variations on how it was presented. Ted is clearly still eclipsing Samuel Little as a media item, I'd be willing to bet money there's been more words printed about him every year than Little ever since he was arrested, there's certainly been more movies about Ted, at least 2 I know of and a TV series also. I recall seeing a US Today front page feature with Ted's face last year, then I looked inside the paper and spotted a back page story about Samuel Little. Unbelievable, a decades old "white" serial killer gets the front page and a far more prolific black one gets the back pages, but that's the game here: "Keep serial killers white".
You may recall when I sent the story about Little being featured on 60 Minutes, I did a little experiment, a few weeks after the show I asked everybody I knew who watches 60 Minutes and asked them who Samuel Little is and not one person could remember him. A couple people vaguely remembered after I "reminded" them but others stubbornly refused to admit they saw a story about a black serial killer and I knew for a fact they had watched the episode. Then I asked them if they remember the Golden Gate killer and their eyes lit up with recognition, and when I asked they all remembered he was a white guy. That's how powerful the disinformation campaign is and with BLM and phony black victimization being used as a sledgehammer against us, I expect it to get worse.

Anonymous said...

We must have one. At least one. Sure. Pettiness unlimited.

Anonymous said...

I watched most of it,but was not impressed with either.Trump was quicker,jabbing at will--Biden befuddled.We all know where they both stood beforehand--nothing new.Biden survived without a major senior moment.Insults flew on both sides.
Not much else to say about the "debate".